101- LaR

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A twister of twist once twisted a twist
A twist that he twisted was a three-twisted twist
If in twisting a twist onr twist should untwist,
The untwisted twistwould untwist the twist.


How much dew does a dewdrop drop,
If dewdrops do drop dew?
They do drop, they do as do dewdrops drop
If dewdrops do drop dew.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
If a woodchuck would chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he couls chuck,
If a woodchuck would chuck wood.


Oh eto Riddle na 'to:

#1. The more there is, the less you see. What is it?

#2. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?

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Logics and RiddlesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon