Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

My cheek was burning as his warm skin was pressed against it. He tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"This won't change anything.." He said softly, moving his body closer to mine. "I promise.."

I nodded shakily. He leaned his head forward and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, and furrowed my eyebrows. Now what?

Louis chuckled and pulled away. "You have to kiss back. You're acting like a statue. Loosen up. It's me Harry, okay? Just do what you think is right.."

I nodded, my words deciding to betray me. Louis cupped my other cheek and pulled me to him. He smiled softly and kissed me again. It was very strange, having another person's mouth on mine. But eventually, I closed my eyes and started kissing back. I moved one of my shaky hands to the back of his head and moved him closer to me. Our lips moved together in sync. Louis moved my legs out of their crossed position and straightened them out. He continued to kiss me as he layed me down, him going on top of me. I pulled him impossibly closer and deepened the kiss.

I pulled on his soft hair slightly and I felt his breathing accelerate slightly. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip and I stiffened. What am I doing?

We eventually slowed the kiss down until it was a few small pecks. He pulled away and sat up, panting slightly.

I quickly sat up and looked at him. I wanted more, so much more. My lips already felt strange without his on them. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and kissed him. This time, I was in control. He moved his lips along with mine, and I even sneaked my tongue along his bottom lip a few times. Eventually, the kiss slowed down and he pulled away. I opened my eyes slowly and they met with his wide blue ones.

"Wow.." He said breathlessly.

I chuckled a bit and covered my face. He moved off of my lap and sat next to me, I quickly recrossed my legs.

Louis stared at the ground as he licked his lips. He looked back at me and smiled a bit. "You're a natural."

I felt my cheeks heat. "T-thanks.. You're not too bad yourself."

Louis laughed and stood up. He walked over to his mirror and glanced at his lips. "Damn Harrold. You made my lips about three sizes bigger. Not to mention much redder."

I laughed and looked down at this mirror. "You're right, they are much bigger. Kylie Jenner has nothing on you!"

Louis chuckled. He turned back around to look at me. "Is your throat tight too?"

I nodded. "Is that normal?"

"Oh yeah it is, just means we didn't get as much oxygen as necessary." He walked over to his door and opened it. He tilted his head towards the hall, signaling for me to follow him. I stood up and walked over to him.

We padded down the steps and walked over to the kitchen. I sat on a bar stool and leaned my elbows against the island countertop.

Louis poured some cold water into two glasses and handed me one. I accepted it and downed it all into three gulps.

Louis only took a few sips of his, and looked into the glass. He swirled the liquid inside it and looked up at me.

"How would you rate me?" he asked.

I gave him a confused look and placed my glass on the island. "Rate you?"

He nodded. "On uh, on kissing.."

"Oh.." I shifted a bit in the stool. "Well I haven't really kissed anyone..but I'm going to say maybe an 8."

Louis smiled a tad and nodded again. "I'm giving you an 8.5. It's crazy, I mean you can't kiss like that and not have any experience."

I laughed and felt my face heat. "I haven't had any.. You were my first."

Louis tensed slightly. "Don't think of it that way. Think of it as more of like, preparing you for your first. That was just a practice."

I felt my chest tighten. "Huh?"

Louis sighed and placed his glass next to mine. "I thought I made it clear. Don't think of it as an actually romantic type thing. It didn't mean anything. Just a practice."

For some reason, I felt a small tug at my heart. "Yeah yeah, I know..practice."

"Good. Now did your mom say you could spend the night? Maybe we could do another lesson eh?" He smirked and sat on the stool next to me. I didn't look at him, instead I looked at the toaster.

"Yeah, she said I can't. Gem's coming in tonight. Having a family dinner for her." I lied. I don't know why, but the thought of kissing him again made butterflies fly around my stomach.. But then my brain snaps me out of it by reminding me that it means nothing to him. I'm merely a thing he's using to practice lip locking..

Louis pouted. "Aw dammit. But wait..isn't Gemma supposed to fly in next week? Why is she going on a break a week early?"

I shrugged and stood up. "That's Gemma for you. She's full of surprises."

Louis chuckled and nodded. "That's very true." He grabbed the two glasses and placed them in the sink.

I leaned my palms against the edge of the sink and looked at him. His eyes linked with mine, and he smiled a small one. His soft pink lips were still plump from earlier, and still red as well. Louis slowly walked over to me and placed a hand on my hip.

He leaned in slowly, his mouth parting slightly. As my eyes began to shut, he quickly moved his head away.

"MUM?!" He yelled. I flinched slightly, not expecting that sudden outburst. He continued yelling. "FIZZY? LOTTIE? DAISY? PHOEBE?!"

We were quiet for a moment, waiting for any of those girls to come into the room. But nothing was heard in the large home.

Louis turned his head back to mine. "Just checking.." And with that he erased the distance between us and connected his lips to mine again.


We kissed a few more times before we had our fill. I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the front door.

"Text me later okay?" Louis told me, opening the front door while I slipped on my shoes.
I nodded and smiled at him.

"Will do." I waved and stepped out. "Bye Lou."

He waved back and closed the door. I heard the lock, and quickly ran over to my car. I flung my bag into the passenger seat and drove off.

I sped home and pulled into the driveway. I opened the door and ran out of the car, completely ignoring my bag. I ran into the house and up the stairs.

Tears began to blur my vision as a I shakily opened my bedroom door. I slipped into my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned my back against it and took a few shaky breaths. I slid down to the floor and curled my knees up to my chest. Louis' words repeated in my head.

Don't think of it that way.. Think of it more as a lesson..
It meant nothing..

I couldn't hold in the tears any longer. Regret and guilt flooded my emotions . How could I be such an idiot?! How could I fool myself into thinking that it actually would mean something?!
I never should've agreed to that kiss.. Not only that but all those kisses afterwards. Each one made those fucking butterflies flutter around my tummy. I felt warm and protected with his lips on mine..

I shook my head and wiped the tears off my cheeks. Stop it Harry.. Get a grip of yourself. Get over it..

Get over it..

Get over it..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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