The Weekends
The weekend came pretty fast for Kresha she decided to avoid Tyler cause he only started talking to her and she didn't want to mess any thing up. The boy you like just starts talking to you and you are totally pumped about it, but you're scared the next thing you say to him will make you invisible again.
The weekend was gonna be the same old routine for Kresha.
My weekend list.
1) Go to Chads house.
2) Do some assignments.
3) Then talk about well pretty much anything.
"Okay mum am leaving"Kresha shouted to her mom.
"Alright dear greet Chad for me"
She walked out the house and passed the shot cut to Chad's house.Bam OMG is that Tyler. You try so hard to avoid someone and there you are face to face with the person.
Wait face to face Kresha thought to her self she didn't realize that she had stopped walking and now Tyler was right in front of her staring into her forever blue eyes.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey"she managed to say back but he didn't hear her cause she whispered it.
"I noticed you have been avoiding me"
"No, it just that i have so much on my mind" she said then stated walking again with Tyler by her side. It was silent cause every conversation he brought up it always ended in an awkward silence.
"I want to ask you something really personal" he said looked at her then faced the ground "Hope you don't mind"
"No of course not it was already awkward enough."
"Do you have a crush on me?"he said blocking her way stopping her from walking.
"Why would you ask that" is it that obvious she said to her self.
"Is just that you smile beautiful every time i talk you and you blush every time i smile at you" he said with so much confidence she took a step back.
"That's never gonna happen" she said and gave a fake laugh.
"okay i just thought may be you and i could get to know more about each other" he said and looked away from her again.
"What if i do like you what's gonna happen from there"
"Then I'll ask you on a date but since that's never gonna happen"he said and noticed that she bit her lip. "I guess that's my loss"
"Okay fine you can stop patronizing me now, yes i like you and i'll really like to go on that date with you" she said and bit her lower lip again.
"Great, see you on that date" he said and gave her a peck on her cheek and left. He left her with her face bright red.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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Love you guys.

He could be "THE ONE"
Romance"he never notices me"Kresha said to her best friend do you know how annoying it is to like someone but the person doesn't even know you exist. "You can't say the same thing because you get every thing you want without even trying". Kresha believes h...