chapter 1

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" TAKE THE MONSTROSITY OUT OF YOU LIP RIGHT NOW NOLA!" I hear my father yell at me. He has never have understood me and I don't think he ever will. 

 "No, I paid for it and therefore, it's mine. Deal with it." I say back with an exasperated eye roll.

 "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" My father yells again, his face is turning bright red.  "WHEN YOU DYED YOUR HAIR I WAS EXCEPTING BUT THIS IT TOO FAR! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DON'T COME BACK!" Ouch, low blow. I've been expecting this for a while now, but never thought that he would actually do it. I clear my throat, furrow my brows and shoot fire at him through my eyes.

 "Fine. I'm going. It sounds better than this." I say, turning on my heel and running up to my room to pack.

"How could we have raised you like this?" I hear my father mutter under his breath.  It has been like this since my mom left us. My father doesn't let me do anything, it was like living with a dictator, he was verbally abusive as well, I had been planning on running away for some time, but this just put me over the edge. I used to have  pretty red hair like Ariel's and then I dyed it to look like the pink of cotton candy after you take a bite out of it and then little specks are left. My father didn't approve, but what could he do about it? 

I packed up all my clothes and trinkets in record time, carrying them down to the car I bought and fixed with money I earned by waiting tables all summer when my mom was still with us. I decided to bring some pillows and blankets, taking my Father's favorite blanket, knowing it will piss him off. I get in the car and take in a shuddering breath. I'm leaving Pennsylvania for good this time, I will not come back and I will not stay here. I decide to head to New York, close, but easy enough to get lost in if he ever comes looking for me again. 

It's in the middle of the night when I get to New York, yet the streets were still packed, guess it really was the City that Never Sleeps. I decide to park in an allyway and sleep there for the night. I set up a little bed in the backseat and drifted off to sleep, clutching the pillow close to me. I was wakened by a loud scream. I see through the  window a kid yelling for help. I think nothing of it, because kids can be over dramatic. Still, better safe than sorry, I don't want to get mugged on my very first night in New York so I drive away. My stomach lets loose a huge growl, so I decide to find a place to eat. I stumble across a place called Murakami's noodle shop,it looks pretty good. I park, and grab my cash, walking inside. I hear loud noises outside and decide to check it out.

 There's  three guys inside, who were very muscled, tattooed and mean looking, they were hurting this nice old man, throwing a few punches, he looked defenseless, and I can't stand when others pick on defenseless people. I must do something, I mean I have nothing else to lose. I run in 

"HEY YOU BIG PRICKS PICK ON SOMEONE WHO YOU COULD ACTUALLY BEAT!" As soon as it comes out I realize that I should not have said it because it is now my turn for a beating, but that's ok because I have taken Ninjutsu since I was four years old. They come at me and I throw a punch and hit the tall scrawny dude right in the middle of his eyes and hear a loud pop, meaning that I've broken his nose. I look at the one right in front of me and realize there is only one left, but there were three before i feel arms Tighten around me, and all i can do is squirm. The big guy starts to throw punches, landing on my face, and chest, taking the breath from me, but I don't show them that, I can't let them know how much they've hurt me.

"Is that all you've got big guy? " I taunt, I feel my left cheek swelling, and a trickle of blood flows from my lip.

"Get her." The bigger guy, who seems to be the leader, says. 

I get tossed to the ground and slammed against a chair, my head spins and I fall over. I try to sit up and end up spitting up blood. I wipe my nose and see more blood. I can't pass out, but my world is fuzzy and black. I see a bunch of guys come in, and start ninja-ing the bad guys, taking them out. I must be dreaming because there is no way that anybody would know that I was here, much less to come save me. A looming black shape, hovers over me, and I can't make out anything, only that he looks pretty ripped, and has to be at least 6'5". 

" Leo she is hurt " a husky voice says, I think it's coming from the person leaning over me, but I can't be sure.

"Raph I know what you are thinking and no we can not take her back to the lair, Sensei would kill us." Another voice sounds, and he lurks next to the first figure. 

"You'd better listen to your friend." I manage to speak, wheezing a little. "I'm bad news." I finish, grabbing the counter and finding it slick with my blood.

I try and stand up but my leg kills, I don't think I broke it, but something is seriously wrong with it.  I collapse, and I brace myself waiting to hit the floor, but instead I feel a pair come around me and catch me, but they don't feel like normal arms, they feel... scaly almost, for a minute my vision clears and I see a turtle, with a red mask, carrying me in his arms. 

"I think I'm dreaming." I mumble, accidentally coughing blood on him, the sight of that much blood coming from my mouth sends me over the edge, and I pass out.

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