chapter 3

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I lay on the couch reading my comic as Leo obsesses over his nerd show, mumbling the lines under his breath so quietly that he thinks nobody can hear him. Donnie's alarm goes off and we all perk up and run to our weapons. Then I see her walk in, it's Nola. She is wearing a black long sleeve crop top just long enough to see the top of her belly button, she was wearing red and black plaid sweats with her hair thrown up into a messy bun, and Jane was with her I bet Leo was going to happy about this, she had on black leggings on and she ware a drama hoodie I'm guessing or her school and some combat boots Leo ran over to her and they started talking


Mikey runs up to her and snatches the box. "What kind?" He asks suspiciously.

"Double cheese with extra pepperoni." Nola snaps, he opens the box and starts shoving the pizza in his mouth.

"Hey." She says to me, walking over with a bounce while blushing a bit and biting her lip fuck she is beautiful.

"Hi. " I mumbled back

"So about yesterday,"  she starts

"No it's my fault I'm sorry I should not have kissed you I mean you probably have a boyfriend and he is probably better looking, hell probably a human. " I mumble sadly, not looking at her.

I feel a warm body agents me I look down she is giving me a hug.

"Never Raph, I am single and no guy could be as awesome as you thank you." she says kissing my cheek and going to get pizza, wrestling it out of Mikey's hands as he struggles to eat the last slice.

I lean against the wall and put my hand to my cheek. All I really wanted to do right then was pump my fist in the air and do a happy dance, but I have to look cool in front of the guys but I can't help but smile and look up

"Yes!" I mouth to one one in particular.

"Hey bro you have been really we are today since last night after dropping Nola off and now that she is here you are acting like a weirdo what's up man? " Leo asks, walking away as Jane listen to Donnie ramble on about one of his machines.

" Well I kinda ........umm know.....Never mind man. " I say, slapping his chest and getting pizza there was only on slice left and Nola and Mikey were having a burping contest.

"Please, Nola, I am a pro at these things and would not want to embarrass a lady such as you in front of everybody." Mikey dismisses, taking a swig of soda.

He should not have said that,  you could see the rage boiling up in her.

"I'm a girl, so I can't do it? Oh I get it I have boobs so I'm weak! Well grow a pair and challenge me if you so confident your majesty but not to disrespect you, but I could beat you without soda so go try your best. " She says panting after her rant, Jane sits in the corner, covering her mouth to surpress the giggles.

Mikey looks scared but, he prepares his burp and lets it go it was good it lasted for about 10 seconds but Nola did not seem fazed  by it. She prepared by taking in big  breaths of air and about a minute later, let one go it lasted 30 seconds she wipes  her  mouth

"What was  that about girls being weak? " She taunts walking off

Mikey looks at me with a shocked face. "Dude your girlfriend is cool."

"She is not my girlfriend. " I hiss  back so she could not hear as her and Jane where saying their goodbyes because Nola had work. She runs up and gives me another hug. 

"Bye Raph." She says.

"Here!" I blurt out, grabbing the spare T-phone from my pouch. "It's a phone, use it to call any of us if you're in trouble." I tell her and she smiles at me, giving me another hug and I'm reluctant to let go, but I watch her disappear and eagerly await her return.

"Thanks Raph!" She calls down, and then she's gone.


It was after work and I was beat.

"I still feel like I have not said thank you enough, you know what I mean?" I say to Jane who nods slowly, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. 

"Give him a call on your T-phone, I'm sure he'll come a running. Especially if you were maybe... attacked by purple dragons." She smiles wickedly at me from the door way. 

"Are you sure this will work?" I stammer, and she presses her lips together in a smile.

"Are you doubting me? Ok I don't expect to see you at home tonight so I am locking the door. You have your key right? " She checks, with a worried look.

"Yeah I have my key, I'm sure you'll see me though I don't think I'll be out that late." I tell her and she walks into the kitchen. 

"You never know, Raph is a scally wag." She calls from the kitchen and I blush hotly. 

"Okay I'll see you later tonight!" I call and hear the microwave beeping. 

"Don't be in a rush!" She calls back. I hurry up and get ready, I run to the local market and get sparkling cider, pizza, breadsticks and a blanket, plastic cups and plates I hop onto a  roof where you can see all of New York and set up. When I'm finished I call Raph on the T-Phone. 

"Nola? Do you need help?" He pants.

"Hey, are you okay? Not to sound desperate but there's been some  guys following me for the past few blocks, I think that they might be part of the purple dragons." I try to sound scared. 

"I'll be right there, I'm in training right now but I'll get there as soon as I can." He says and I can hear the protectiveness in his voice.

" Ok then.." I say, hanging up, waiting for him to get here.

I feel bad for taking him out of training but oh well. I think about is how lucky I am to have a horrible dad to kick me out so I can meet Raph

"Hey." I hear Raph say behind me.

I sit up and smile.

"So where are those Purple Dragons?" He asks, it's a casual enough question but I see him grab the blades by his side. 

"I scared them away and they left this," I gesture to the spread. "So why not eat it with me?" I smirk. 

"That was sneaky Nol."  He says, while smiling and taking a bite of pizza.

"Nol, that's a new nickname I like it." I lean my head on his shoulder as we stare out over New York City.

"So what where you thinking about before I showed up?" He asks.

"I um, I will tell you another time let's enjoy this time now." I tell him, swinging my legs over the side of the building.

We hang out and laugh, and have fun the rest of the night but I could tell that what I was thinking about before was still on Raphs mind and I bet he was going to ask me later about it.  We clean up and he walks me to the intersection where he'd have to go into the sewer and I'd have to turn to go home.

"So it's later. Would you like to tell me what you were thinking about, or not is that to sensitive of a topic?" He says shyly, and I think that he deserves the truth.

" No it's ok let's go down to your room  and I will tell you."

We get down to his room and lay on his bed and I cuddle up to him and trace circles on his shell and start to pour my heart out.

" So my mom died a couple months ago and my dad's relationship with me got worse and worse." I continued to tell him about how I was kicked out and my horrible life back there. "and that's how I...." I could not finish my sentence I was crying too hard, Raph just pulls me into a tight hug and does not let me go as I sob into his shoulder. After I have cried myself out I feel so tired, that I start to fall asleep on Raph. He kisses the top of my head. 

"Good night beautiful." He whispers and I let out a shaky breath, resting my head and sleeping. 

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