Chapter Twelve- Love

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"Are you sure you're okay Dean?" Charlie asked him, a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine..." Dean paused for a moment, knowing that he had to get out of there. "Just need some fresh air. I'll be back in a minute."

With that Dean shuffled out of the carriage, ignoring the protest from his companions. Students ran up and down the long stretch of train, calling out for there friends, grins ridden across their faces, not a care in the world. Of course, they had no idea that a war was about to begin unless an eleven year old made an almost impossible choice. Dean cursed their ignorance and began to move further down.

Eventually the crowds began to disperse and go their separate ways making the area less claustrophobic. After minutes of walking he reached the very end of the train. Dean looked around, the area was totally deserted. That was when he felt his knees give way and he crumpled like a rag doll onto the floor. He leaned against the wall, completely drained from his encounter. He felt like crying but he had neither the energy nor the strength to shed but one tear.

His own brother was in even more danger and it was all because of him and his dumb powers. He wished he had never given into his curiosity, he wished that he had never set foot in Platform 9 and 3/4 or Diagon Alley. The worst thing about it was that they were the two best places he had visited in his entire life and yet he hated them more than anywhere in the entire world.

Why must the things we love be the things that are so bad for us? Dean thought as he bought his hands up to his face.

"Dean?" A concerned voice said next to him.

He looked up to see Castiel. He looked upset and worried, his normally dazzling blue eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying. Dean almost started feeling pity for Cas before rage boiled up inside him.

"YOU!" Dean yelled at Cas who was caught off-guard and stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. He had one arm raised in front of his face as if he were about to get hit. Dean sprung to his feat, a surge of angry adrenaline surging through him. He stood towering over over the other boy.

"You did this to me!" Dean continued. "I was fine until you came along, I was happy! Then you came along and everything went wrong! You had no right to do this to me!"

"Dean, please let me explain." Castiel pleaded, only to be ignored.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Dean roared. "LEAVE ME ALONE, I-" his voice began to break as tears finally began to arrive in his eyes and fall down his face. "I HATE YOU!"

With that Dean crumpled back into his position on the floor. A pathetic heap left cowering all alone.

"I'm sorry Dean..." He heard Cas mutter and get up off the ground beside him. He felt his warmth leave his side and all Dean wanted was to call him back to tell him that he was sorry, that he didn't mean to lash out on him, and that he certainly didn't hate him.

How could he have said something so cruel to someone who cared so much about him?Why did he even say those words in the first place? He would always hear stories of boys pushing girls down in the playground because they liked them. Could that possibly be the case?

That was when it struck him. It felt like a mixture of when he first set foot in Diagon Alley mixed with his encounter with Lucifer, times a billion! It felt as if his throat was being constricted and a massive weight dropped on his chest all at once. He couldn't breath, he couldn't move. He didn't hate Castiel. He loved him!

The boy who had helped him find out who he was. The boy who was always looking out for him. The boy who cared.

Dean wanted to call out after him, to tell him the truth of how he felt but the words refused to leave his mouth so he just sat there gaping like a goldfish as the sound of the footsteps of the boy that he loved faded away.


Sorry I haven't updated in ages! No I don't have a decent excuse, the truth is that I'm just lazy. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm out of practise to its probably a bit crap but I'll try and get back into it.

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