Chapter 5- Cas

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6 Months and 7 Days Later:



"It's July 31st."

"Is that supposed to mean anything to me, Sammy?"

"That letter you got on your birthday. Are you going to send it or not?"




"You should go."

Dean stared at his brother.

Months had past since Dean had received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Still, he had told no one accept Sam. It remained a complete secret to his dad and 'uncle' Bobby. He didn't want to tell anyone. If it were up to him not even Sammy would know. Then again, if it were up to him, he wouldn't have got that letter in the first place. He just wished he could go back to when everything easier. When all he had to worry about was getting murdered in his bed by a demon. Those were the days.

Dean had been doing his best to try and ignore the situation but things were getting worse. It seemed his powers were strengthening with age. Only last week had he got in an argument with his dad only to somehow manage to snap his fathers favourite knife that lay five feet away. His father had put both his boys in salt rings and done a full search of the area before letting it go. Sam had been trying to catch Dean's eye throughout the entire ordeal but Dean completely ignored it. He honestly didn't want to talk about it.

As much as he tried not to think or talk about it, he kept finding his mind wandering back to the boy he had met at the park. Who was he? What was he? How did he know who Dean was? How did he know what he was? These were questions Dean preferred unanswered but that's all he could think about. That boy, Castiel he called himself, with his piercing blue eyes and messy hair and wonky tie.

"Seriously, Dean. I think you should go." Sam continued.

"Why on this damned Earth do you think that?" Dean questioned his brother spitefully.

"Because," Sam explained, wisely. "There's a good one in every sort of creature. Remember that vampire we met in Washington that saved us?"

"Benny? I haven't thought about him in ages! Wasn't very nice of dad to kill him." Dean suddenly paused, utterly terrified. "D-do you think dad will try and kill me? Even if I am good?"

Sam looked at the ground, not saying a word. It was obvious what his answer was. Anything that wasn't natural was in dad's hit list. It wouldn't matter if it was good or bad. His son or not. It had to go.

* * *

It was almost midnight. The Winchester's were camping out in the Impala on a long stretch of country road. The whole area was deserted. The only noise was the chirping of crickets and the snores of Sammy and John. Dean, however, remained awake. If he didn't send that letter, would that mean his powers would just go away? And if he didn't send the letter and they didn't go away, what would happen then? Would he just continue living a lie?

He couldn't stand being cooped up in the car while all these thoughts whizzed around his head. Slowly and carefully, he opened the car door and stepped outside. The night air sent a chill up his spine despite the fact that he was wearing that trench coat his father had got him.

He tiptoed onward, to the cover of one of the trees and sat down. He allowed his head to lean back onto the trunk of the tree. The night sky was just visible through the leaves. The Stars shimmered like tiny candela above. The moon was also insight. It was, luckily, not a full one. It formed a crescent shape, just like how it usually looks in children's picture books.

"Amazing isn't it?" A deep voice said. "Really puts to scale how small we are in this infinite universe. I remember when it was first created. We all thought God out did himself with that one. Truly one of his most ingenious works. That and bees.

Dean jumped and looked around. Sitting right next to his was the boy. Castiel! Why was he here? Had he started stalking Dean?

"Y-you?" Dean croaked.

"I always found," Castiel continued as if there had been no interruption. As if it were just a casual conversation. "That bees are phenomenal. The way they can pick up pollen from flowers and form it into a treat that I hear you humans enjoy so much. And, at the same time, they manage to maintain the natural order. Remarkable!"

"What?" Dean spluttered. "What are you on about? Actually, what are you on?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are you on drugs or something?"

Castiel chucked and continued and continued staring up at the sky.

"I'll take that as a yes." Dean mumbled to himself.

"Why are you here?" Dean asked.

"To convince you to go to Hogwarts."

"You mean that freak school? There's no way in hell I'm going there!"

Castiel suddenly turned around to face Dean. He suddenly had a very serious look about him.

"Hogwarts is not a school for freaks. It is a school of magic. Although, what with your upbringing, I wouldn't be surprised that you think what you do."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You see something which you don't understand and your first instinct is to kill it. You should know," Castiel twisted his body around so he was completely facing Dean at an uncomfortably close distance. "Hogwarts is a good school for witches and wizards. There's a difference between good magic and bad. Hogwarts teaches you only the good. It's up to the wand holder to decide whether they want to bend what they've learnt into something evil."

"Are you going?" Dean asked. "To Hogwarts?"

"I will, but only if you go too."

"What do you mean? If you're magic and think this place is so great, why aren't you going to go no matter what?"

"All in good time Dean. But, for now,the only question that should be going through that wondrous head of your should be, do you want to send that letter and learn magic? Or do you want the rest of your life living a lie and wondering what would've become of you went, with me, to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

"Listen, Cas. I can call you Cas right?" Dean asked.

"My name is Castiel..."

"Listen, Cas. Let's say I do go to this school. By now it would be too late. It's five to midnight and the letter said no later than July 31st and in five minutes it'll be August 1st."

"That is not a problem."


"Take my hand."

W-what!?" Dean spluttered, not quite sure he had heard Cas correctly.

"Trust me." Cas said kindly.

"Having a hard time doing that, Cas!" Dean replied honestly.

"Then let me prove myself to you, Dean."

"F-fine." Dean muttered before taking the other boys hand and disappearing off into darkness.

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