Masquerades - Chapter 7

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David looked at his phone and saw it was his cousin Connor calling him. Looking at the time he realized he must have gotten back from the costume dance and was calling to talk to him about how the costume went over with his friends.

"Hey" David said with a smile as he answered the phone.

"David! You are never going to guess what happened" he heard Connor's voice exclaim, excitement clear as a bell. David was surprised as he hadn't heard Connor sound this happy in years.

"I take it that the costume was awesome?" David asked.

"Yeah it was great!" Connor replied quickly.

"And you were the talk of the whole dance I bet" David teased him.

"Well, you could definitely say that I was at least half of what people were talking about" Connor said laughing. A laughter that was genuine and joyful.

"Cuz! Are you saying that there was someone else who looked even half as good?" David asked jokingly. 'What was going on with him?' David thought, 'he sounds like a totally different person.'

"There was this guy dressed as the character from Assassin's Creed...the third one I think, the revolutionary war guy. Whose name was, get this, Connor. His costume was amazing and so was he!" Connor gushed.

"Wait a minute. We will come back to the costume in a second, what do you mean 'so was he'?" David asked detecting something there.

Connor started telling David about how his mom wanted him to go to San Francisco for his cousin's wedding and so he wouldn't be able to go with Daria, who wanted them to go in a couples costume so he never even mentioned David's costume, then the sudden cancellation at the last minute and with Daria going to a spa with her mom, so decided to go but didn't tell anyone so no one would know it was him. He then talked about how no one had recognized him and that he saw Daria was there after all and making out with another guy, which a bunch of people also saw, and then he told him about Raton. He described his costume in detail while recounting their flirting inside and then running into him again and how he ended up being groped by him outside.

"Wait a second? He grabbed your ass?" David said laughing. "What did you do when he did that?"

Connor laughed and proceeded to tell David all about what happened. Their kiss and how it felt; the excitement, the thrill, the absolute mind blowingness that he had never felt before. How Daria and her new guy interrupted them and then how Raton had started round two and it was even better.

"Whoa dude!" David said shocked at what Connor was saying. "You were seriously making out with some guy you just met and didn't even know his name?"

"David...I can't explain it. He was just like nothing I have ever imagined or thought about before. I had figured I could just pretend to be straight till I graduated and then I could figure things out once I was on my own, but David he was incredible!" Connor said still feeling overwhelmed. Connor explained their getaway, gushing about how Raton jumped the wall and got them out of there, before they ran off and kissed again before separating, still not knowing who the other person was.

"So you basically made out with a guy in front of your classmates, including your friend from the baseball team, are gushing like a fan girl over this guy, whose name you still don't know, and basically you are totally gone over him" David was laughing, but he was also a bit worried. "Does anyone know it was you?"

"Nope" Connor said "but I don't care David. This guy is worth it. My dad can deal with it and so can the guys on the team and if they don't like it...screw em! I have got to find this guy, he is all I can think about" Connor said jumping around his room.

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