Waking Up in Vegas Part 10

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Jude woke up slowly enjoying the feeling of having slept like never before. He felt so happy and opening his eyes he looked at the face of his husband sleeping beside him. Connor's face was relaxed and free of worry, the sun coming in the window highlighting his golden hair. How did Jude ever get this lucky to end up here? He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but with Connor at his side, he was ready to face anything. They would deal with everything that was going to come at them from friends, family, and the world.

Jude wondered whether they really knew what this was going to be like. Like moms and Adam said, marriage was so much more than just being in love. It was a commitment to each other and while Jude had no doubts about his feelings for Connor, or Connor's for him, it was still not going to be easy.

"Stop thinking so hard" Connor said quietly, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile while his eyes stayed shut.

"Why do you say that?" Jude said teasingly.

Connor smiled again and pulled his arms, currently wrapped around Jude, in to him bringing Jude with them. "I can always tell when you get in your head Jude." Connor barely opened his eyes and looked into those dark brown eyes that he knows so well. "Regrets?"

"No" Jude said with certainty. "Definitely no regrets. But scared? Nervous? Worried? Yes to all of them as well as excited, amazed, grateful, and..." he smirked "horny."

Connor's eyes shot fully open and his smile lit up his face "JUDE!" he whisper-yelled.

"What?" Jude said with an innocent look on his face. "We are supposed to communicate honestly with each other. I am feeling a lot of things at the moment." He gets a wicked grin on his face and lifts up the sheet and looks under the covers. "And good morning to you too!" He looks back at the bright red face of his husband "someone's happy this morning!"

Connor growls and burrows his head into Jude's neck "You are playing a dangerous game Jude Adams-Foster" he whispers in Jude's ears.

Jude smiles as he rolls them over so he can look down on Connor. "Nope. The game is over, and I won" he smirks.

"We both did" Connor says as he leans up to kiss Jude. "Is the door locked?" Connor asks Jude.

"Yes" Jude says with a smile.

Later that morning

Jude and Connor, with help from Lena and Stef manage to get the spare bed moved to Brandon's old room along with some of Jesus's stuff. A lot of it was already gone and the rest goes into boxes in the garage. A good bit of Brandon's stuff also goes into the garage making his old room more of a guest space than either of their bedrooms.

"Well, I think that is about everything" Stef says with a smile, "Except for Connor's stuff" she says questioningly while looking at him.

"Dad is going to help me with that. I figured he could come and pick me up, take what we are going to put there of Jude's over and then we can pack up and bring it back before Mariana and Callie arrive" Connor said smiling.

"Why before they arrive?" Lena asks.

"We know that they are going to react when they see what we did to the rooms, but we figured if everything was done, then they wouldn't really know everything from the beginning. This way they will think it's just my room till we tell them" Jude explains.

"And speaking of" Connor laughs, "dad just texted me to see if we are ready."

"Yes" Jude laughs. "We should be able to do it all in one trip no problem."

The four of them take about half of Jude's clothes, already packed up, down to Connor's car and fill it up, putting the excess in Jude's car. They aren't moving big stuff, and like Adam had said, they both had a bunch of stuff already at each other's rooms, so it is more shifting than moving.

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