Chapter 8

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I was walking threw the house trying to find the kitchen.

I walked past a few rooms when suddenly two arms popped out from behind a door and grabbed me dragging me into a dark room.

I hit a wall and the door closed behind me.

It was pitch black and I couldn't even see my own hands.

"What the hell!? Who ar-"

A hand wrapped around my mouth.

"Shhhh! Be quiet Spencer we don't want the boys to know your in here" a deep husky voice said.

Whoever it was they had me pushed against a wall tightly. One of there hands was over my mouth and the other was rubbing up and down my upper thigh and hip.

It made me supper uncomfortable and I tried shoving the person away making there hand come off of my mouth.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want!?" I snapped

The person moved his head into the crook of my neck inhaling deeply and lightly brushing his fangs and lips over my neck..

"Let's just say... The last time we where alone I almost got to taste you...." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice...

It was Harry....

He pulled his head away from my neck.. Thank god

"Now listen sweet heart I'm gonna make this quick.. The boys have to leave soon to go hunting and they are gonna need someone to watch you at the house. When they ask who you want to stay with you say me.." Harry instructed.

"Why the hell would I do that I hate you!!" I snapped back

That made him angry. He grabbed my leg pulling me closer to him. I whimpered a little.

"If you don't do what I say ill glamor you and make you have sex with me and you'll love it.."

He said darkly .

(FYI-- To Glamor: is when a vampire looks into someone's eyes and can hypnotize them to do anything they want.)

I shook a little.

"Now go" he said shoving me out of the room and back into the hall way.

"Oh and don't even think about telling Niall or anyone about this or else ill do worse..." He said glaring at me.

"I won't" I said threw clenched teeth.

I finally made it into the kitchen.

Louis and Niall where leaning against the table talking.

"Oh hey spence! Ware have you been!? It took you forever to get here!" Niall said.

I froze remembering what Harry said...

"I.. Uhhh... I got lost" I lied..

"Oh ok well we have some food here if your hungry!" Niall said.

I looked next to them and saw a plate with an apple and a sandwich and a water bottle.

Louis spun around and grabbed the plate and water and place it on a table.

I came and sat down and started eating it, I was starving.

"Ok guys you ready!?" Said Liam walking into the kitchen with Zayn following behind him

"Uh yea!.. But what about.. Her?" Niall asked sort of in a whisper but I still heard.

"Oh yea.. Um well one of us is going to have to stay behind." Liam said.

My eyes widened a little and I froze when I saw Harry walk into the room.

"Ill stay with her. I ate recently so Im good" Harry said.

"Ummm I don't know..... Last time you where alone with her you tried to kill her.." Niall said looking at me nervously.

Harry shot me a quick glare signaling me to back him up.

"Uh what?.. No h-h-he's ok... He can umm stay.. With me..." I said avoiding eye contact with them.

"Alright whatever you say!" Liam said

Harry gave me an evil smirk

"C'mon guys I'm hungry!" Louis said bolting out the door.

Niall looked at me a little confused and then also ran out the door with Liam and Zayn following him...

Great.. Now I'm alone with the pervert and the psycho..

"The hot psycho" Harry teased...

Grrrrr he read my thoughts I HATE it when they do that!

I gave him an evil glare

He just winked at me and smirked.

"C'mon love lets do something!!" Harry said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked me.

"Umm sure I guess" I said.

What's up with him?.. Why is he being nice all of the sudden!?... And sort of normal?

"I can be nice you know.. I'm not always mean.. Im Only mean when people don't do what i say" He said searching threw a basket of movies

I rolled my eyes. And sat on the couch.

Harry pulled out 3 movies.

"Catch me if you can, hunger games, orrrr-"

"HUNGER GAMES!!!" I quickly yelled eagerly cutting him off..

"Haha alright hunger games it is."

He placed in the movie and came and sat by me..

I scooted over so I was as faaaaar away from him as possible.

"Haha c'mon love I'm not gonna bite" Harry said winking and licking his lips

Making shivers run down my spin.

I didn't listen so He grabbed me by my waist and dragged me over to him making me lay down on his hard cold chest.

I was to tired and annoyed to fight it and knew if I did try to fight him it would only make this situation a lot worse... So I gave in.

I swung my legs up on the couch and snuffled my head into his chest trying to get comfortable.

He then wrapped his arms around me...

As much as I hated him I loved this feeling.. But I didn't love him he tried to kill me and threatens to rape me!

"Only if you don't behave" Harry said smirking.

"I really hate it when you do that" I said annoyed.

"Sorry love ill try not to do it again.. Your just so easy to read" he said drawing circles on my lower back.

I sighed deeply and just rolled my eyes trying to ignore it...

And then the weirdest thing happened...

I fell asleep.


Hey guys! Hope u liked this chapter!

leave a comment!!!

Im sorry if it sucked! I promise more action will come I'm just building up to it;)

Thanks lovelies!


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