Chapter 1

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My name is Holly, I am 15 and right now, my life is shit. I just hope it will get better, and soon. I mean right now just on it's own, my sister is anorexic and her boyfriend, well lets just say he is not help with anything. As for me, everything I do just turns to crap. I thought my life was going fine and I could have a year without drama, crying, or losing someone I care about, luckily the last one has not happened, yet. Last year was about the same. Maybe I can only be happy for a short amount of time. Maybe it is always going to be like this. But I don't want it to be like this. I want to be able to go a week without wanting to just cry. I wish I could have someone to go to at times like these and know that they can make me forget about everything for a bit and that I can cuddle with whenever I want and need. Today I was trying my hardest to have a good day, but that did not last, even though it was basically the smallest thing it still made me upset and I want that to change. I just don't know how. I have a family who loves me and amazing friends who also love me and care about me but I won't have them for much longer. Tomorrow is going to be my first day at my new school which I am incredibly nervous about. Hopefully a new school mean new happiness and a new 'lifestyle' I really hope I can make friends quickly or else it is going to be a long week at that school.

"Holly, honey, better wake up, don't want to be late for the first day at your new school." I roll over to try to get back to sleep until I finally decide to get up and have a shower. Today is going to be torture for me. I have no friends at the school and I'm not the best at making friends. I decide to take my time with my makeup, I mean after all I do want to make a good first impression. "Finally you're awake!" My mother states the obvious. "I have been for a while." I don't even have time to sit down and have something to eat or else I am going to be late. It is already 7:30am and it will probably take about 40 minutes to get there.

As soon as we pull up to the school I instantly get butterflies and I want to just curl up into a ball and cry in the corner. Not literally but I am very scared. When we get to the reception there are a couple of kids there that look about my age which I presume are new as well. One of them, which is a girl, gives me a friendly smile so I return one back. The other two are boys who I must say are pretty good looking...."Holly" I am pulled from my thoughts when the reception lady calls me and hands me my timetable "Hi, my name is Lucy" the girl that just smiled at me introduces herself. "Hello, my name is Holly" I say in the most polite way. 

 "I figured" She begins to giggle pointing at my timetable that clearly has my name on it and I join her. "Lucy" The receptionist calls her to receive her timetable. When she returns she takes my timetable from me to see if we have any classes together. "Oh my god yay, we have all the same classes together except one." She squeals with happiness. "Yay, I know someone in my classes" I begin to laugh, for the first time in a while. I really do wish she was in my graphics class but hopefully there will be someone just as nice as her in it. Lucy and I go to our first class together, as we do for all apart from our last subject which we don't have together. Finally the last bell of the day goes and a herd of teenagers of 15-18 years old sprint to the door to leave. I am one of the last ones to leave because I kind of got lost but when I finally reach the outside of the school I feel like I can actually breathe and it feels good.

By the time I get home it is 7 o'clock since I took the long way home which I will not be doing ever again. "Hey honey, how was your first day at school? Oh by the way, I have made you favourite dinner, roast lamb." My mum says as soon as I get in the door. "Thanks mum it smells amazing. Do I have time for a shower before dinner?" I smell disgusting right now. "Sure just don't take too long." I end up taking the quickest shower I ever thought was possible and by the time I get back down to the kitchen, dinner was on the table and smelling magnificent. But as soon as I sit down, that's when the bombshell hits. My parents would not stop asking me questions about my day so I end up telling them about how I have a friend named Lucy, she's in most of my classes, my teachers are nice. Basically just what they want to hear. "Well I am so glad that you found a friend on the first day pumpkin." My dad says while kissing me on the forehead as he leaves the room.

I offer to help my mum clean up but she just shoots me down so I end up sitting in my room over thinking stuff like I usually do, which is never good. By the time it is 8:30 I am struggling to stay awake so I end up just going straight to sleep since I thankfully didn't get any homework today.

"Oh crap, I slept through my alarm" I say to myself.

This kind of thing hardly ever happens to me, I am usually quite a little sleeper. It's already 7:00 am and I wanted to eat so I guess I'm not going to be able to have a shower this morning. I quickly get dressed and throw on some makeup. Weirdly the school doesn't really care about uniforms, I mean we have one but if you don't feel like wearing it then you don't have too which is pretty awesome, but I think i'm going to run out of things to wear since I don't have much of a selection to choose from. When I get down to the kitchen I find that my mum has made me pancakes with bacon "yum" my tummy says.

The moment I get to school I look for Lucy who is standing at the tuck shop, best place in the school, until she sees me and runs up to hug me. I love hugs so it doesn't bother me at all. "You ready for another day at school?" she asks me.

"If it goes as good as yesterday then it should be alright"

We end up sitting and talking about god knows what until the bell rings and it is time for us to go to our first class of the day which is English. My english teacher is pretty cool and he is quite young to be a teacher. His name is Mr. Walter and he definitely knows what he is talking about. He gets along with everyone in the class and says that if we need anything at all just to ask even if it's help with something besides school work. He is definitely my favourite teacher in the school. English is gone to quickly seeing as I love it so much.

Next on the list is to get through Maths which I just zone out in all the time because I suck at it and I don't really see the point in it. My teacher is Mrs. Heather and she is a pretty alright teacher but she teachers math so I don't like her as much as I think I could. This is the lesson that seems to drag on forever but as soon as that bell goes I was out of there. The same thing happens in my 3rd period class which happens to be Science and I don't even know who my teacher is because he or she is away so we have a reliever. Luckily I have Media Studies next which is an amazing subject because I love the idea of working in movies, not acting but something behind the scenes would be cool as a job. My Media teacher is also really cool and I can talk to him without being worried and his name is Mr. Wilson. Today we were watching a movie and some kid fell asleep and when Mr. Wilson woke him up it was hilarious. Last but not least was Graphics which was kind of slow, I only took it because there was nothing else apart from p.e. and that is not my level of expertise. There is this one guy that I am paired up with for a class project so I am guessing I will have to spend some time with him and his name is Joe.

I finally get home after a long day at school and have a shower as soon as I get home so I can relax for the rest of the night. I end up texting my friends from my old school and catch up on what's happening over there but there is no juicy gossip for me yet which is annoying as there always use to be gossip to talk about. I go to bed early again tonight because I am mentally exhausted. I keep on waking up during the night because I keep having very vivid dreams of my friend who is like a brother to me either dying or ending up in a coma which I hate because lately my dreams have been coming true so I stay awake for the rest of the night and work on my writing that I have started. I can't say what it's about because even I don't know yet.

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