chapter 2

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I feel like a zombie at school today since I was awake most of the night last night worrying about my friend who might not actually need worrying about. I just can't help it. I message him on Facebook just to know that he is okay and my phone has been glued to me waiting for a reply from him but nothing. Nothing all day and that's when I decide to go see him after school and if he is not there then I am going to flip out. In Graphics we start to sort out our projects so I actually have to talk to this Joe guy which I really don't feel like doing. He ends up making me forget about everything I was worrying about in the first place and my cheeks actually hurt from smiling and laughing so much and I love it. I haven't laughed this much in ages and it feels good.

"So should I come to your place after school today so we can work on our project?" Joe asks.

"Oh, um, that would be fine but I was actually plan.... *beep* hold that thought."

*Conrad: Hey, I am absolutely fine you don't need to worry about me :) but we should definitely hang out sometime soon x I miss hanging out with you xx ;)*

"You know what I am free and I would love for you to come over so we can get this thing over and done with" I reply after finally hearing back from Conrad.

"Awesome, see you around 6:30ish"

I rush home and get in the shower so I have time to get my crap together before Joe gets here. I don't want to jinx anything but this is a pretty good week so far, nothing bad has happened yet and I have friends. Joe arrives at exactly 6:30pm on the dot, instead of getting straight to work, we go to dominos and get a pizza each for dinner with garlic bread of course. When we get home we are so full we don't feel like doing our project yet so we don't do it. We still have a couple of weeks so it's fine if we miss a day of doing it, we will just work extra hard another time. After sitting on my bedroom floor talking and laughing for about 4 hours, Joe leaves and I feel like I know him more now and I think we really connected. I can't wait for tomorrow.

It's finally the morning. I can't wait to go to school today, I have graphics first eeeppp. I rush out of bed and suddenly feel dizzy and my tummy feels a bit sore but I don't worry about it and head downstairs. By the time I get down my mum is standing in the kitchen. "You look like crap" she says "aw yea thanks for the confidence boost mum" She puts her hand on my head like a caring mother taking my temperature "you are very warm, are you feeling okay?" She asks. I mean she clearly knows I'm not well. "My tummy is a bit sore and I did feel dizzy before, but I will be fine. I want to go to school." I reply hoping I'm convincing enough. "No I really think that you should stay home today if you are sick" "But I will be bored, I will be behind in school work and Joe and I were going to actually start our project today." I complain "Well maybe he can come here after school and you can do it then." I know that she isn't going to let me go so I just sigh and agree with her. This is going to be the longest day ever.

I message Joe asking if he wants to come over after school and if so to bring the work I have missed from my other classes. He responds with: *Awwww I hope you feel better soon. I would love to come to your's and of course I will bring you your school work haha :) ;) xxx* and that just made my day.

I end up writing and reading all day and out of nowhere I get a text from Joe saying *School's almost over, I'm going to the dairy after school, what do you want? And don't say nothing because I am not taking that as an answer xx* God he is so sweet. *Surprise me :)* I reply. I have a quick shower and put my hair up in a bun. I can not be bothered putting makeup on so I don't.

He arrives by 3:45pm with a movie and a slushy ice-block for me and a monster energy drink for himself, and of course me being me, I give him a hug. "You did not have to do this at all and what movie did you get.... hahaha" "First of all I know I didn't have to but I wanted to, and secondly I got us two movies. The Fault In Our Stars and The Children which seems pretty scary." He explains "LET'S WATCH THE CHILDREN" I say excitedly and Joe gives me a weird look. "What? I like scary movies" "Oh no it's not that it's just the way you said it, it sounded kinda creepy and weird" He begins to laugh and I finally catch on and we both laugh for what feels like ten minutes. "Alright, you put the movie in and I will make the popcorn" I instruct jokingly "Sir yes sir" Joe replies. The movie begins before we even press play and we get a little creeped out. We close all of the curtains and make the room very dark. "Okay so we have movies, snacks, darkness, blankets, anything else we need?" "Nah, we are good to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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