Riddle Me This?

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I was reading 'The Hunger Games' in the front room. I looked at the clock on the wall. 3:53 AM. 'What the heck. Wasn't it just 7:22?' I looked at the page number 228 'That explains it.'

"She's going to find out sometime, she is a smart girl." I think thats Tony's voice.

I heard foot steps coming down the hall toward were I was setting. "JARVIS please don't tell Tony I'm here." I whispered.

He answered almost immediately with a soft low 'yes miss'.

I ducked under the coffee table.

"When she does she will be in danger. You know that Tony." Nick

"Nick what are u keeping from me?" I whispered.

"We can protect her Nick. She is already like a niece to me. In less than 2 days. I can tell you even if she wasn't safe she could take care of herself. You, yourself saw that she took Steve down." Tony argued.

I saw Nick and Tony's feet.

"She is not ready she needs more training." Nick counterd.

"Nat said she could shoot anything given to her and hit the target every time, Steave gets taken down within 3 minutes in the ring with her, she is smarter than me Fury, she haves eveything that Jarvis told us!"

I heard another pair of foot steps. "Shes not in her room Sir."

"Where would she be? Jarvis do a scan where is she?"

"Sorry Sir I can't do that. " Jarvis told them.

"What do u mean?"

"She ask me not to tell, but I may give u a hint." He told them "What has 4 legs and never moves?"

"Crap I've never been good at riddles." Tony mutterd under his breath.

They left the room to look for me.

I cralled from under the table. I picked up my book and ran down to the library and sat down so when they come in here they will think i was in here the whole time.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and heavier as I continued to read and soon all I saw was black.

*Steve's Pov*

I looked down at Peg's picture that layed in my hands.

I missed her. I owed her a dance still yet that won't happen will it.

I love her but I think I'm falling in love with someone else.

Yet I've known her only two days ive loved her sense I first layed eyes on her. As cheesy as it is.

'Steve Roges Report to Director Fury's Office, Steve Rogers Report to Director Fury's Office.'

I walked to his office and handed me an file.



NAME: Cameron Thori Foster

AGE: 16

DATE OF BIRTH: Oct 25th 2000

MOTHER: Jane Foster

FATHER: Thor Oddison

HAIR: Blond



SCARS/MARKS ON BODY: Tattoo of angle wings on back
Scar on stomach reason classified
Scar on leg reason classified.

Cliped to the folder was a note.

Dear Avengers,

I am aware that you have an object that is of use to me. I hope you know I will have her, even if It is my death bed I will have Cameron.


I looked at Fury and ask "What does this mean?"

"It means that we have another threat."

Hi sorry it is so short....

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