Chapter 5

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It's friday! I am happy because monday we don't have school. Wanted this friday to come. Also, tonight, I'm going out with Cameron but is it a date, romantic one or... I don't know I never have been in one. I got dressed and ran down the stairs. I kissed everyone on the cheek and on the forehead, even the dogs. I took my back pack and ran to the TEA&RELAX spot where Ramona was up early to give me my pay check.

"Great day for you!" She smiles and I hug her. I ran to school and got in class just in time. It was Science. Mrs. Hansen finally corrected our tests and passed out the papers.

"I was really disapointed. I add extra comments and stuff! At the end of this class you'll pass another test so I can see if you listen to me and take note and memorize stuff!" She announced passing the papers. She gave my paper. I took a look at it. I had a total of 19/20. I turned the page till I got to my error. Is she serious she took me a point for not writing a word right. I raised my hand.

"Mr. Davis!" She said.

"You took me a whole point for a writing a word wrong!" I said

"Yep that's right. I did it for every each of you. You could have had all the answers you will always lose points for orthagraph. Check for errors next time, Ariel!" She said and got back to passing the papers.

"What you got?" Cameron asked turning to me. Jane sat next to me so he sits in the front.

"19. you?" I asked

"20!" He winked. What? How? Then it came to me. He's probably hot and stuff but he has great grades.

"I got 6! Amazing!" Jane said totally proud of herself. I smiled. If that grade made her happy I guess she could live with.

"Oh did I mention that everyone that had under 13 has to complete this document for next class!" She said waving a heavy document. I looked at Jane. Her smiled disappeared and she barried her head in her hands.

"Poor Jane." Cameron whispered to me and I nod. Was that teacher serious. Britt raised her hands.

"What's in the document?" She asked

"It pratically summarize what you should have seen since Freshman!" The teacher answered and smiled and gave the document to like the majority of the class.

"Why is it 13/20?" Jane asked

"13/20 isn't good if you want to be in my class!" She said and gave the document to Jane.

"What kind of teacher is this?" Cameron asked to me and I shrug my shoulders.

"Ok class, enough of the talking. I have one last thing to specify. Turn to the page 56 in your science manuel." She went to the board and started talking. 

"Excited for our date?" Cameron whispered and turned himself. Jane looked at me and look at me surprised. I just nod and paid attention to the teacher. 

35 minutes later, she took out a 3 pages document and passed it down the rows.

"This document is for you're really important short exam on tuesday when you come back!" I look at the document and turn the pages. They were long questions.

"Now it's the test! No talking, no speaking, no whispers! Nada! Take out any ink pensil! Do not want any normal pensil!" She orders and she passes the test. I do my test in less then 10 minutes and check if there is no errors. Done! I put my test at the corner of my desk. She looked at me  and smiled. 5 minutes later, she takes the sheet.

"This test was on 15! I will give a document to all the people that has under 11!" She announce and the bell rings.

"I only answered 3 questions! Yay! Another document! Science ain't for me!" Jane said. After science, we had math. I did appreciate math since it was a silent group. Cameron wasn't in the class and I could just relax and have fun with something I like. On lunch, I decided to eat at the cafeteria. 

I sat in a silent corner with Jane when Frany and Annie joined us minutes later.

"Guys, guess what Britt takes pills. Like depression pills... well I don't know!" Annie was going to start doing some drama

"She should die!" Frany laughed. I looked at Jane that was having a normal face.

"So guys tonight if Friday! You don't work tonight right? Let go to like a party or something!" Annie suggested

"I heard there a really cool party at the valley!" Frany said

"I have something tonight actually." I told them

"like a date!" Jane said and giggle. She knew I got a date but I don't want the girls to know with who?

"With who?" Annie asked

"My father!" I laughed and they just changed subject to Las Vegas. A few minutes later after listening to the girls talk some boys came close.

"Want to ditch class this afternoon and go to the beach?" One asked with his surfer hair.

"Yep!" Annie said and Frany agreed

"Not you guys! We're talking to Ariel and what's her name again?" Another guy said

"Jane!" Jane answered his question.

"I can't have that on my records so..." I said and they smiled at Jane.

"I like beaches! I'm up for it!" Jane said and they high fived her.

"I feel loved!" Jane said and went with them.

"Bye Jane!" I smiled to her and she smiled back.

"What a bitch!" Annie said.

"Well, the bitch my friend." I added before going away. I took school books from my locker and went to work on the science homework in the library.

The bell rang and I went back to my locker and got to history class just in time. After history, I got P.E then it was over. I walked out the door and Cameron was waiting.

"You're sweting?" Cameron said 

"Yeah I guess that girls does that!" I smiled

"So for the date what about the movies?" He asked

"Why not..." I answered.

"No I'm ready to show you a place important to me! I'll drive you there! For now bye!" He smiled and I smiled to.

"Wait how do I dress?" I asked

"Like you want, you're pretty in everything!" He was flirting with me. I went back home took care of Gaby and prepared dinner with my mom. Excited for my first date ever!


A/N : I hate to write on my computer :(

Anyway the next chapter coming soon stay there and don't go anywhere!


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