Chapter 7 - Meeting The Blackmans.....And Other Things.

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(Harry's POV) 

I woke up to Audrey shaking me awake.

"Harry, you said we could go see my family today. C'mon get up."she said softly. I groaned and turn to face her.

"What time is it?" I ask. She smiles softly.

"It's 9:30 in the morning."

I groan again, but I sit up and glare at her. She laughs and I can't help but smile at her. She throws some clothes at me.

"I already picked out your clothes so get a move on so we can go." She said heading towards the door.

I started getting out of bed when she stopped halfway out of the doorway. She turned and looked at me.

"Thanks, Harry." she smiled.

I felt myself blush. "Y....yeah, no problem." I responded. She nodded, still smiling and left me blushing and flustered.

(Audrey's POV) 

I walked downstairs and bumped into Juniper on my way into the kitchen. She quickly looked down.

"Sorry about that Miss." she mumbled and went to scamper away. I reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"We need to talk." I said firmly.

"I have to finish packing for my trip home, I don't have much time left." she said slightly pulling against me, not looking at me.

I loosened my grip and said, "This'll only take a minute."

~Tiny Time Skip~

"I like you Juni, but as a sister or a best friend. You don't have anything to be sorry for or ashamed of. I kind of miss the playful Juniper." I said then lightly pushed her, causing her to laugh.

"Alright. Thanks for not being angry or anything." she half smiled.

"No problem. Go get packed, love." I said then hugged her tightly. She smiled and nodded then left.

I stared at the lush carpet beneath my feet. I get to see my family today. I'm not really all that excited, I just want my cellphone. Would you be excited to see the people that sold you to save themselves?  If I get my cellphone back I can at least be connected to my friends, especially Naomi, my best friend.

There was a knock at the door. I look up to see Harry poking his head in. 

"I'm ready if you are." He said.

I stood up and forced a smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm ready." I walked after Harry down the stairs and into the limo.The driver turned around and smiled at me. 

"Hello again, Miss Audrey." He said. I stared at him. It was LJ.

"Bye, LJ." I said then pressed the button that put the screen up between the front and the back of the limo. I hear him scoff as he starts driving.

"So. What's your family like?" Harry said chuckling and shifting to look at me. I think about it.

"Well, it's just me, mum and pop. My mum is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. All my friends love her, so you will too." I said smiling at the thought of my mum. "She'd always have something baked when I got home from school - no matter what. I really love her brownies." 

I laughed. "My dad is...." Stupid. A coward. Irrelevant.

"Supportive." I said finally. "He's usually there for me whenever I'm in a bind. Always knows the right thing to say."

Living With Styles. ( A Harry Styles Fan-fiction ) [ AU ]Where stories live. Discover now