The day for codes

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                      After the world fell and a new government was built. A new system was made to insure that the world never fell again. At the age of ten you are given a code on your arm. They never tell you what the code means or what it stands for all you know is that this code is a big responsibility. The day I turned 10 was the most exciting day of my life. The wait to get my codes was hard. Getting my code was painless. Once I got my code I was told to wait till my Sixteenth birthday. This day felt like it would be forever till it came. Surprisingly the wait for it was not that long the years flew by so fast I don't miss them.

                     A week before the big day my mom gave me a book. She told me to read it for the rest of the week. The chapters are long and the content bored me. Thru the week my mom came to check on my progress. She was ashamed that I thought that the content was boring. She finally told me the story that went back long ago. Back to when the world fell. The story told of a world split apart by war and hatred. That world scared me and made me see why the new system was good for us. Once she was done I picked up the book again and reread it. After a while the content got less boring and turned into something that I would look to for guidance. 

                       The day of my Sixteenth year my parents wake me up ,and tell me to get dress. By the afternoon all of my belongings were packed up. This day I would travel to the school where i would study to finish my education and find my one true love that has the same code as me. When my brother Nate turned ten he would chase me around the house and say our codes matched. Every time my mom would stop him and scold him for abusing the gift of the code he was given. After mom had left i would always tell Nate that he was special, and that he only acted like that to show how special he was. After a while we made a new game so he could still be special. We would go and sit in the tree and say any word that came to our heads. My words always followed each other. His was ever changing straying from one category to the next. 

                       The ride to the station was a slow one. But my mind was racing faster than the speed of our car. We celebrated my last day with them by getting  some token to remember them by. They settled on a small white stuffed owl. To remind me to be wise in my decisions and to be swift and alert in everything that i do. I give my family my last farewell. Then I get on the train and into my designated seat. There are several other Sixteen year old. I was never known to be shy but in this instant my shyness was my biggest weakness.

Authors Note: The next chapter will come soon.

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