Imagine for GraceLoyacano

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"Grace hurry up we're going to miss our reservations" you heard your boyfriend, Andy, yell out while banging on the bathroom door. "Ok give me a minute" you replied quickly. You finish washing your newly cut wrist and pulled on the sleeve of your sweater to make sure it covered the scars. You promised your brother, CC, that you would stop cutting but ever since you and Andy started getting more serious, the hate from social media was getting worse. "Ugh she's such a slut" "why does Andy even date her? She's so ugly" "he should break up with her." These were just some of the insults you had seen on Twitter. Andy told you to ignore them. "They're just jealous of you sweetie" he would say. No matter how much convincing he did though, it still got to you.
"Ok I'm done. Let's go" you said as you sighed "sorry I took so long" you apologized "it's ok baby. You look beautiful" Andy complemented as he gave you a kiss on the cheek. He took your hand and together, you walked outside to his car.
At the restaurant, once you finished your dinner, Andy took your hands in his "I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl like you" he said while staring into your big, brown eyes. He lifted you hand to kiss it and then stopped. The smile that was on his face fell and he was almost in tears. "Andy what's wrong" you asked concerned. "Grace, did you do this to yourself?" Andy asked and turned your hand around showing you the scars on your wrist. "I-I'm sorry Andy" you said and then burst into tears "oh baby no tears" he said as he stood up and kneeled in front of you. "Why did you do this?" Andy asked. "I don't know, just all of the h-hate on the
I-Internet about us d-dating has been
g-getting to me." You stuttered in between loud sobs. "Oh sweetheart, you can't let that go to your head. They're not true." Andy said to you. You know how much he cares about you. "I love you so much Grace" He said as he moved a piece of your brown hair away from your face. "Thank you Andy. I love you too" "let's get you home now" he said. Andy quickly payed the bill and drove home. CC, Ashely, Jinxx, and Jake were all sitting on the couch in the living room watching a movie when you and Andy came through the front door. When they saw you in tears, they all rushed over to see if you were ok. "Grace what's the matter?" Your brother asked kindly and led you to the couch and sat you down in his lap. You and Andy explained everything to them. "Oh sweetie don't worry about what they say about you" jake said "yeah Grace, you shouldn't care what they think" Ashely added " we all love and care about you so much" Jinxx said. "Thank you guys. I love you all too." "Don't hurt yourself anymore. I can't stand to see you in pain" Andy said to you.
After you calmed down a bit, you sat with the rest of the boys and continued watching the movie. You fell asleep laying in Andy's protective arms.

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