The hunter

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Race: Wood elf
Gear: Leather armor, brasiers, and boots
Stormcloak officer helmet
Dragon bone bow
A dragon bone dagger and glass shield
Necklace w/ fortify archery
The ring of Namira
Skills: Archery: All perks
Block: All perks
Sneak: right side up to deadly aim and all on the left side.
One handed: 5/5 Armsman
Required level: 55
Follower: None
Description: You follow the green pact so closely that even when not in Velenwood you still don't harm plant life and eat your enemies after death. Do a lot of hunting with this build.
Gameplay: Stick to the shadows and take your shots from a hidden position. If you are found either move around the battlefield lobbing arrows at your enemies or switch to a shield and dagger combo.

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