The Will & The Acrobaleno (Somewhat Edited)

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Scacchiere Mansion, Tsuna Pov

We arrived to a Fenced White Mansion. A HUGE White Mansion. I stood in awe as Kawa-san talked to Wono-nii. 'Will I Be Living Here?'

"C'mon Tsu-kun." Kawa-san grabbed my hand and opened the metal gate. The entrance was beautiful! The grass was a luscious emerald, the fountain water glistened as the sun rays shined down onto its wet surface.

There waiting were a bunch of strangers chatting in front of the Mansion. Once, they caught the sight of me and Kawa-san, they fell silent and formed 2 lines. Left was Female, Right was Male.

"Welcome Back Checkerface-sama!" The strangers greeted bowing. 'Checkerface?' I glanced back at Kawa-san. I was in clear shock. He was wearing different clothes from earlier. A mask, iron hat with a silver/black checkered design partially, a silver metal eye-mask, as well as a slight smirk on the face also a scar on its left cheek, a silver/black checkered pattern on its right cheek. He held a black cane and wore a dark trench coat.

"I'm Back! I Have Someone I Want Everyone To Meet. This is My Son, Tsunayoshi. Say Hello." I waved and sent my traditional smile. The people blushed and bowed again.

"Wa...Wa..Welcome Master Tsunayoshi-sama, To Your New Home. We Are Your Servants." The male servants had blood dripping down their nose while the females were madly blushing. It made me confused.

"Kawa-san, Are They Okay?" He just chuckled and picked me up from the floor.

"Don't Worry Tsu-kun, their fine just a bit flustered because of how cute you are." I pouted crossing my arms across my chest. Watching behind Kawa-san was Wono-nii who kept smiling as he carried our bags.

"Everyone Go Do Your Jobs." Kawa-san ordered bluntly as the Servants scrambled into the Huge Mansion. Wono-nii jogged beside us still every so cheerful.

"Oh Ho Ho Ho, Shall We Head Inside Checkerface-sama? And Tsu-kun?" I smiled back, Kawa-san agreed with a bit of excitement. Wono-nii slowly opened the White and Gold Front Doors slowly. Inside More Fancier On the Interior than the Exterior. Diamond and Platinum lining throughout the bright, smooth walls and ceiling. Glassy, Spotless White floors and red carpet flowing through the halls starting from the entrance. Right in the middle of the carpet was a small dark wood table with a Tiny Black/Orange Checkered Pattern Box on the surface. I jumped down Papa's arms and ran to the small table. Eyeing the small box, curiosity sprouting. Kawa-san lifted the box into his hand and knelt down to my height. Removing his mask he said.

"Tsuna." My Intuition tells me he's dead serious. I smiled nether less.

"Yes, Kawa-san?" He stiffened.

"Open The Box." I took the box from his hand and opened it. A rainbow colored pacifier was placed nicely in the middle. As I examined the pacifier, the object had a strangely familiar feel to it and leaked a somewhat powerful aura.

"Go on. It's yours." He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I eagerly but carefully took hold of the Mysterious object. Glimmering warmth. I dropped the box to the ground as a Flame exactly---it is your flame---like mine entrapped my tiny figure. A blaze of the each color of the Rainbow revolved and floated my self into the air. The air fastened its speed whirling into a spiral around the Familiar Rainbow Flame bubble around me. Surprisingly, I wasn't afraid, I felt Warm. Like Before... When The Rainbow made contact with my body years back. I looked down into my hands. The Rainbow Pacifier repetitively blinked each color. Purple. Indigo. Blue. Green. Red. Yellow. Orange. Once it turned Orange I heard a oddly familiar faint gentle voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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