Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

The room exploded with activity. Jebidiah, Gilliam and Pete all began to exclaim their happiness over the fact that Wyatt was still alive and finally awake. The doctor, alerted by the sudden noise, came into the room and gave him a good once over, checking Wyatt's vitals and ensuring he was indeed awake, aware, alive and probably going to stay that way.

Through all of that, Zachariah simply stood beside that doorway and watched. His sharp gaze never once left Wyatt and Wyatt found himself unable to focus on anything other than maintaining that contact with the other man.

As the room began to settle down and Zachariah continued to simply stare at Wyatt, Wyatt saw Gill nudge Jeb. "We should go find Craig..." He shot a pointed look toward both Wyatt and Zachariah and Jeb nodded.

"Yeah we should."

Pete smiled. "I'll take me a good long nap," he said with a wink before turning his head toward the wall.

With the room cleared out, save for Pete who was now faking snores, Zachariah slowly made his way toward Wyatt's bed. 'You okay?' Wyatt asked, concerned by the paleness of his skin and the trepidation in his eyes.

"Just a bit shocked is all," Zachariah admitted. "I thought you were gonna die."

Wyatt smiled and reached for Zachariah who quickly sat down beside him and took his hand. "I'm sorry," Zachariah whispered, clinging to Wyatt's hand. "I'm sorry they got you."

Wyatt shook his head. 'It's not your fault,' he assured the other man. 'Is Eleanor okay? Did she make it out?'

Zachariah nodded. "She's here. She spends most of her time in her room but she's made it clear you're her hero."

Zachariah laid his free hand on Wyatt's cheek. "Thank you for protecting her, Wyatt."

Zachariah's gray eyes beamed as Wyatt smiled up at him. 'Kiss me, Zachariah. I dreamed about kissing you again.'

Zachariah's lips curved in a smile as he slowly leaned in and brushed his mouth against Wyatt's. The kiss was gentle and full of quiet tenderness.

Zachariah was the one to break the contact of their mouths as he rested their brows together. Wyatt closed his eyes and simply breathed his man in. Wyatt had come close to dying. He'd been closer to death than he'd been to living. Only thoughts of Zachariah had been powerful enough to bring him back from the brink.

Peace filled Wyatt's soul as he and Zachariah remained locked together, breathing the same air. Zachariah's thumb caressed Wyatt's hand and Wyatt knew he was loved.

They stayed that way for countless minutes, both completely content in the silent presence of the other. Slowly, loath fully, Zachariah pulled away "I'll be back as soon as I can, Wyatt. You focus on getting better and getting home and I'll come back to you when everything is taken care of."

Wyatt's eyes narrowed and his grip on Zachariah's hand tightened. 'Where are you going?' he demanded, though he had a feeling he knew the answer.

Averting his gaze, Zachariah cleared his throat. "Clint got away. I intend to find him and kill him. He'll not come after those I care about again."

Wyatt felt panic well up within him. 'You can't go after him alone! Wait for me. Give me a few days and I'll be able to get up and help you. It's not safe to go alone....'

An Outlaw's Silence (manxman)(second story in The Crane Gang series)Where stories live. Discover now