Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"I was hoping Zachariah would be back before we left," Eleanor admitted quietly as she stared out the window.

Wyatt adjusted the sling on his shoulder and nodded at her back. He had hoped Zachariah would have returned by now as well—or at least sent word. But there had been nothing and going home could not be put off any longer.

Jeb and Gill were missing their son and Pete was ready to meet his. So Wyatt had to swallow his own worries and fears and head home with his family.

Putting on a brave smile, Wyatt tapped Eleanor's shoulder. She turned to face him. 'Zachariah is strong. He'll come back to us.'

Eleanor sighed as he gaze dropped. "I hope so."

Wyatt took her hand in his and led her from the room. She was what gave him strength when he felt so frightened and worried himself. Eleanor needed him. She wouldn't speak to the others and didn't seem comfortable in their presence. She trusted Wyatt and Zachariah had entrusted Wyatt with her care.

Wyatt refused to let him down.

"Take it easy going home," the doctor warned as Gill and Jeb settled Pete down on a bed of blankets and pillows in the back of the wagon. "Take plenty of time to rest. Both you men need some more healing time."

"Don't worry, doctor," Jeb assured the wiry man.

Pete grinned. "If there's one thing Jeb's good at it's mothering folks to death." He winked. "We'll be as spoiled as babes by the time we get home."

Jeb grumbled and tossed a spare pillow at Pete, catching him in the gut. A broad smile crinkled Jeb's cheeks as Pete let out a pain-filled laugh and held his hands up in surrender.

Wyatt helped Eleanor into the back of the wagon before settling down beside her. His ribs weren't quiet healed enough to make days on horseback sound appealing.

"Just holler if you all need anything," Gill said. "Craig's driving the wagon and he's promised to be careful."

Wyatt shifted uneasily and hoped Craig was sober enough to remember. The man hadn't spoke a word to Wyatt, or anyone else, since he'd returned and he looked half-dead and smelled like a whiskey bottle.

Wyatt was worried about his friend but had no idea how to help him.

As the wagon lurched forward, Wyatt laid his head back. Soon he would be home and life would be back to its usual routine—only now Wyatt would be watching the horizon and praying his man was coming home.


A week later, Craig pulled the wagon to a stop in front of Maria's tiny house. Just as Wyatt's boots touched the dirt, Preston burst from the house.

His scrawny legs sent dust flying behind him as he raced their way. His pale face was red and his breathing was labored from the exertion he was putting into his run.

The boy threw his arms around Gill's waist and the ex-texas ranger dropped to his knees and hugged him even more fiercely.

"I..." Preston struggled to suck in a wheezing breath. "...missed you."

Jeb pushed the boy's glasses up on his nose. "You shouldn't have run, Preston," he scolded gently.

"Let's get you some medicine," Gill agreed, scooping their son into his arms.

"I'll help Pete in," Jeb added as Gill headed toward the porch.

Wyatt was no help in aiding Jeb and Craig as they got Pete from the wagon. He simply stood by awkwardly and noticed that Eleanor was doing the same.

"Wyatt!" Maria exclaimed when he stepped into her home. She rushed over and wrapped her thin arms gently around him. "Please don't you ever run off again. This place just isn't the same without your sweet smile." Wyatt couldn't help but smile at her kindness. She clicked her tongue. "And anytime you decide to have an adventure, you end up shot. You've had about enough adventure, boy."

"Where's Jane? And the babe?" Pete snapped with a grouchy impatience that was so out of character it had everyone laughing.

"Right this way," Maria replied with a wave of her hand.

She led the group to the back bedroom and Wyatt stared in awe at the sight inside. Jane had always been beautiful but she'd also had a tough side and rough edges. But lying in that bed with her hair hanging loose and a sleeping baby with bright red hair curled against her chest, she appeared softer—almost angelic.

Her eyes lit up when they met her husband's. "Pete, come look," she whispered. "Come look at what we made."

Gill stepped away from Preston, who seemed to be feeling better already after his shot, and quickly aided his best friend into the bed, settling the awestruck man down beside his wife.

Jane placed the baby in Pete's waiting arms and tears filled his eyes. "Damn Gill... it looks like I finally did something right, don't it?"

Gill smiled. "Yeah, it sure does."

Maria began to usher the onlookers toward the door. "Come on now, let's skedaddle and give the new family some alone time. I know Jane's real eager to have a few words with Pete."

Pete's head snapped up. "Words?" He swallowed hard and glanced at his wife. "She said that as if the words you wanna have are bad words."

Jane laughed and kissed his unsuspecting lips. "How about I keep the bad words to myself this time and swallow 'em?"

Pete nodded, resting his brow against hers. "That'd be real nice."

Wyatt quickly walked out of the room and didn't stop walking until he reached the porch. He breathed in fresh morning air and tried hard to keep his hands from shaking.

He was happy for Pete and Jane, he really was, but seeing their closeness made Wyatt's heart ache. He'd had a small taste of that with Zachariah but it hadn't been enough.

Damn, but he hoped his man would hurry home.

A/N: It's short, i know, but i hope you still enjoyed it! 

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