My Darling~ (Mettaton **GENOCIDE RUN**)

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You were just a simple human, nothing special about you, just an ordinary girl. At least that's what most think, when you fell down into the underground world you took what that little flower had said with interest. Up on the surface there was only so much you could get away with before your little game would be exposed, but here it would be seen as defending yourself from those who try to either harm you or try to stop you from going home. As Toriel guided you through her maze you couldn't help but smile as your mind was already formulating of how and with what to use to deal with "unwanted pests".

Once she was gone was when you started to have your fun, death didn't come swift to those who encountered you. Such a pity really, none of them could entertain you long enough to get rid of your boredom. When Toriel had tried to stop you from leaving, oh boy now that was some fun, not. Someone who could actually fight, or at least you thought, down with one good hit! How disappointing...

As she stared at you in show she could barely utter out what she wanted to say."Y...You...really hate me that much?..Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you here..Not you..." A glare sent your way while you grinned like a maniac down at her. "but them..!" Did she honestly think that by telling you this you would feel some form of guilt? Please, none of these creatures meant a thing to you, just toys waiting to be broken.

As you went through this world you couldn't help but marvel at how hard they all tried to end you, only to be defeated by you in the end, not all of them were weak though so you guessed that was a plus. Before you knew it you had already made it to the hotlands, you half expected to see the royal scientist when you entered the lab but met with nothing, but that was to be expected. Though you didn't expect to encounter a robot.

You had thought that this thing, along with almost every other monster you've encountered, would challenge you to "avenge their fallen friends". Surprisingly he knew that he couldn't beat you and left you alone, smart move. But you didn't know what you would come to see later on. Mettaton had taken an interest from watching you on the many hidden cameras throughout the underground world. You were..interesting, different from what he would expect you to be. After you had left the lab he watched you from a good distance, after all there were some places that didn't have cameras, he wondered how you would fair later.

After he didn't plan on letting you just leave, oh no, he didn't want you to leave this place. Even though he knew there was a low chance of him being able to actually disarm you, let alone render you unconscious or dead, he wanted to keep you. A pet maybe? At least he thought that would explain why he thought this way about you. Poor fool didn't know his own emotions, but hey the guy is a robot-most don't even feel anything as is.

When you were so close to getting to the core you encountered the robot again."You again." You giggled. "I thought you were smart enough not to show up, guess I was wrong.~" your eyes gleamed with glee with a sickeningly "innocent" look of excitement. "After our first meeting I realized something ghastly. You're not just a threat to monsters..but to humanity as well." You laughed. "Oh? And what gave that away hotshot?" Ignoring your comment he continued.

"You see I can't be a star without an audience,and besides...there are some people I want to protect." You took a step closer to him, knife in hand. "Ah ha ha..Eager as always, eh? But don't touch that dial!" You raised a brow, does he normally act like he's on T.V.? "There's something you haven't accounted for. As any true fan would know, I was first created as a human eradication robot. It was only after becoming a star I was given a more...photogenic body." You let out a sigh, you just wanted to get on with this already, you had places to be after all. "However." If he could glare at you right now you were sure he would. "Those functions have never been fully removed..Come any closer and I'll be forced to show you my true form!"

You took a step forward. "Fine then! Ready?! IT'S SHOW TIME!~" His form changed into a somewhat more human like look, save for the whole metal body and all. You thought he would be just like the other enemies you've face, a few good hits and he'll be down.

You were so wrong.

Neither of you thought he could do it, you were actually disarmed and close to passing out, just how did this hunk of junk beat you!? "Oh my." You heard him say, you already knew he was smiling from that tone of his. "Now would you look at that, the fearsome human is done for!" He chuckled. "Just kill me already then, there's no point in prolonging this anyways." Anger laced in your words as you glared up at him. "Kill you? Oh no darling, I'm not granting you that freedom." He said while moving closer to you. "I want to make sure you suffer for what you have done, after all your actions cannot go unpunished." For once during the whole time you've been here, you were scared as to what might happen to you.

A laugh sounded from Mettaton as he grabbed your chin. "No, I have a better idea as to how to deal with you.~"

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