Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

AN: words cannot explain how sorry I am. I have no excuses none that count anyways all I can say is that life happened and I found myself without inspiration. For those who will still read this I have to say is thanks! You guys are the best! And to those who stopped looking I say that I understand and again I apologize for the long wait, but here I am. I won’t promise to update on a certain day as I will be afraid to let you guys down, however I do promise to keep this story going and I will try my best to update soon and to keep on updating. It’s summer so I really have no excuse, this story is still not over so to make this note over ENJOY!

Allison’s POV:

This morning felt so different from others, for once I was actually a little bit excited to go to school. Normally I dreaded school, I didn’t really like atmosphere there. Lydia of course apart from being a genius in all classes, she loved to talk to the “popular” people and be social. I didn’t mind making new friends but the type of friends Lydia chose were the wealthy kind. Not all of them were bad but I didn’t like their opinion of others, they always thought they were better.

Looking over my closet I didn’t know what to wear, I ended up choosing some black jeans with a pretty loose shirt and a leather jacket to go with it. I made up my mind knowing that no matter what I choose as an outfit Lydia will still find a fault in it. It was strange how good of friends we were, I know she’s very conceded but I also know that deep down she’s a good person, very, very deep down.

Putting on some black ankle boots I grabbed my bag and keys and left the house. It’s a good thing my dad already left for work or else he’d lecture me about safety and what not. I really don’t understand why he freaks out so much; we live in a small town what could happen to me here. Pulling out the driveway I decide to send a quick text to Lydia telling her I’m about to pick her up.

The real reason why I’m looking forward to going to school today is because of Scott, I don’t know how I’ve never paid attention to him before. I mean sure I’ve seen him around but I’ve actually never talked to him. But yesterday I met him outside of school for the first time and he was really nice, not only that but he is really cute. I really hope he makes the lacrosse team that way Lydia can’t complain about me liking him.

Lydia’s POV:

I glanced at the mirror making sure my hair was as always perfect. Because the weather was getting a little bit colder I was wearing some black tights underneath my dress. I knew my outfit was perfect and that all the girls will be envious of it, not only that but I always got all the good boys worth going for. My phone started vibrating on my desk; I picked it up and saw that I had a new message from Allison. Good she’s on her way to pick me up, I hate being late to school.

Grabbing my purse I went downstairs to wait for her there. While waiting I decided to make me some coffee, I know it’s a bad habit but I love coffee. Within a few minutes I heard someone beep and I knew it was Allison. I walked out, closed the door to my house and got in her car. Without saying anything I glanced at what she was wearing, I knew I had a disapproving look but I decided not to say anything.

“Hey Allison how are you?”

“Oh I’m great, how about you?” she said in a sarcastic voice because I didn’t say hey to her when I got in the car.

I gave her one of my huge smiles and said “Hey Allison how are you?”

She responded in a sarcastic voice and said “I’m great, how about you?”

I gave her a huge fake smile and said “just peachy”

She laughed at my expression but continued to drive, soon I laughed along with her.

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