Chapter 2: Ice...

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Heyy Muchkinnz. <3 Well Here is chappy 2 and I hope you guys get this is a short story that isnt gunna be very long.

If you haven't guess or caught on, its based on  the Singer LIGHTS. She is my Idol. Well yeah soo here is Chapter 2: Ice


James POV*

I couldn't stand watch them. I think it broke my heart. How could she not remember me? I am her best friend. Or at least i thought i was. Maybe she replaced me.  With.... HIM. Kyle. The one i would have to fight to get MY old Light back.

If you really cant tell i love her. She has been my whole world since Grade School. And my feelings only grew stronger in 6th grade when we went to this kid Tommy's party. I never really knew who Tommy was all i know is he had a party and i went, with her.

[Flash Back 5 years ago]

We all piled onto the floor into a circle. One of the girls at the party suggested  we play Seven Minutes in Heaven - Spin the Bottle.  Just like at any junior high party, everyone wanted to play. Even Light.

Light had pulled me onto the rug and we all sat in that tight circle. Tommy placeing the bottle in the center, someone spun the bottle and it landed on me and Light. "Oooo!! James and Lights! Closet time, rememeber its SEVEN minutes."

Within the awkwardness of haveing to do this with my best friend, i shrugged and pulled her into a Kiss.

{End Of Flash Back}

That was the day i realized that I had feelings for Light. But she has changed in the 2 years that I've been gone. Like, she doesnt want to know or care who I am. I will change that though. I will make sure that Light doesn't have the Ice in her heart anymore.

[Lights POV]

I got up from off the ground and ran inside with Luara and sat on Kyle's couch waiting for him. While sitting there, i couldnt help but think that boy looked familiar.

Okay i know its REALLY not alot. but thats all i got for this chapter i will update everyday for you guys, or at least try to. Please Comment and Vote. If not Ill cry :'(

Soo if me crying doesnt help u vote, then the first 10 People to Vote for this Get a whole Bagg of French Fudge Cookies. They are delious. Soo yeah. Vote and Ill ggive you some. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2011 ⏰

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