Chapter 2

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The next day, I rode a tricycle on my way to school. I checked my watch ̶ 7:30 am ̶ I'm late on a very important date. I forgot that there would be a quiz in our first subject period on Thursday. And our teacher for that period is the type who does not allow late-comers to take the exam.

I'm already anxious. I have to be there on time, or at least, be in my room before my teacher does. I spent the whole night, last night, doing the first project which was a group project. There are five of us in the group but only one is acting like a part of it. Some of my group mates had their excuses that they weren't able to do this and they weren't able to do that, while the others simply ignored or forgot that there was even a group project. I suppose I had no choice then, since I wanted it to be passed on time and it appears, they don't. I did finish, though, last night and there's only two to go, but I slept very late. I suppose I only slept for three hours. And as a result,I woke up late.

I was on a rush the whole morning. I did not even take my breakfast. I was too preoccupied thinking about the other projects which I need to finish in two days, that I forgot about the quiz. I didn't even have time to think about my unusual encounter last night with ̶ Gray Eyes.

Gray Eyes ̶ it's a nice name since I don't know his real one. The mere sound of it made me fall into a deep thought. I pictured those gray eyes staring back at mine, and the surprised expression he wore. It was wonderful.

And I thought, I wonder what was it that he thought when the lights flickered on. Was he as dumbfounded as I was? Did he thought I was weird or awkward-looking? I hope not. I couldn't imagine my own surprised countenance. Then, I remembered how close we were then. It was odd I didn't feel his breath. I was sure an inch away from anyone's face is enough distance to feel him exhale. Never mind. But what did he feel when he looked deep into my eyes? Did his heart skip a beat?

I suddenly slapped myself to remove me of this delusion. How could I think something like that? I looked up at the front mirrors of the tricycle, and saw that the driver was looking at me, one brow arched. I looked down at my lap, trying to avoid his stare. My delusions brought me humiliation. And I have to endure his constant glances until I arrive at school.

After several minutes of wait, I arrived at school. I was twenty two minutes late. I reached my classroom and my teacher was already there. I tried to sneak in, careful she won't notice me ̶

“Hold it there Lora! I know your late. You cannot take the exam. You have to wait outside until the bell rings.” She prompted.

I sighed and silently left the room, carrying my things. I sat at a kiosk and covered my entire face with both hands.

How could I forget? I thought. I'm such an idiot!

I started to doubt whether it was worth being late for finishing a group project.

Why does it always have to be me who does most of the job in group projects? I thought, Why is it okay for me to finish the work of other people, sleep late at night, wake up late, miss an exam and get the same mark as anyone else who did little or even nothing to finish what's supposed to be a group project? It's so unfair!

I reached into my pocket for my cellphone to check if there are text messages. But as I searched from corner to corner, all I could grasp is my pen, my wallet, and my comb. It was odd, since I couldn't recall removing my phone from my pocket the night before, nor did I ever leave it anywhere yesterday.

I should check my bed when I get home.


It was five minutes until our afternoon class starts. I still couldn't find my phone. I searched my bedroom, my school bag, and now, in the classroom, but there was no sign of it. I asked my classmates about it but none claimed to have seen it. I couldn't have left it in the tricycle. I checked my seat before I left.

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