Chapter 4

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Jessica sat hunched over at her desk, attempting to finish all her homework before the run. Her class was early in the morning and she didn’t want to have to do any of her work then.

There was a knock at the door and in popped Natalie’s head. “Hey, it’s time to go. Get your extra clothes and meet us in the backyard.”

Jessica gathered her shorts and white t-shirt and headed downstairs. She hadn’t really explored the backyard yet and was surprised that it had a huge pool that came equipped with a slide and basketball hoop.

There were fourteen girls waiting for her and Jessica made fifteen. It was a small sorority but they liked to keep it that way. Their eyes were already glowing with excitement and she could feel all her worries wash away. Her wolf was itching to come out and she had to take a deep breath so she didn’t shift right at that moment. The excitement was thick in the air and everyone could feel it.

“Okay girls relax for a second,” said Nicole, holding up her hand. “It’s going to be a quick run and please try to stay away from any humans. They still get a little freaked out when they see a wolf coming at them.”

All the girls murmured in agreement and some even let out small giggles. Natalie and Jess followed suit and started to take off their clothes just like the other girls. Jessica was shy at first but once she saw that the other girls didn’t care then neither did she.

There was snapping and popping all around her as everyone began to shift. She let out one last sigh before allowing her excited wolf to take over. In a matter of seconds her golden fur was sticking out everywhere and she was nipping at Natalie playfully.

Nicole was a beautiful Charcoal grey color and Natalie was in her full glory as the only red wolf Jessica had ever seen. She danced around like a flame and yipped at Jessica who was watching her with a wolfish grin.

She looked around at the other girls and started to sniff the air. There were brown ones, a few grey ones, and one girl was even a mixture of blonde and black. They all lifted their noses into the air and started sniffing. Everyone wanted to make sure they took in the packs scent in case any intruders came.

After a few minutes of doing this, Nicole howled and took off towards the woods. It only took a split second before everyone ran after her in at full speed.

Jessica hadn’t felt this good in a long time. It felt amazing to have the earth move between her toes and branches gingerly brush her side, as if trying to coax her further into the forest. She felt a nip at her tail and turned around to see Natalie and another girl playfully trying to grab her.

She let out a bark and started to weave in and out of the trees. The two girls took this as a challenge and started to chase after her. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she picked up speed. Nicole gave her a wolfish smile and started to match pace with Jessica.

They all suddenly came to a halt when a big lake popped up in the middle of their path. Jessica was peering over the edge when she felt two large fury things bump into her. All four legs flew out from underneath her as she crashed, head first, into the ice cold water.

She swam to the edge and saw Natalie and the other girl yipping at her in laughter. Jessica made her way in between them and shook as hard as she could, successfully getting them almost as wet as she was.

The rest of the run made Jessica forget all about her worries. All the girls were getting along and she was having an amazing time. Even some of the older ones were wrestling around with the new girls.

It was almost eleven when they got back to the house. Some of the human girls were watching them through the windows but quickly turned around when they started to shift back. Being naked in front of them was weird but it was natural for shifters.

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