Levi x Eren (Attack On Titan)

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AU! Cause I got an idea while singing sk8er boi in a guy's voice. Also quick warning. I don't know much about Levi cause I've only seen about 20 episodes or so.

Eren sat next to his boyfriend, testing out the cord on the guitar. "What you think Levi?" The brunette asked the stoic male. "It's fine Eren. The song will be fine so just chill out for a second," the ravenette replied flicking some hair out of his face.

"Are you sure?" Eren asked, looking at the short male. Levi flicked his forehead irritably, "Brat it'll be fine, just stop worrying about it." Eren nodded and nuzzled into his boyfriend's chest tiredly.

Levi and Eren had been in a band called Damned and Deranged together for a couple years, only getting together after Levi broke up with a girl called Petra.

Eren had often talked to Levi about breaking up with Petra when they were together saying they weren't meant for each other. Petra's friends said the same about Levi so convinced her to dump him.

A few weeks later, Eren snapped up the opportunity to tell Levi about his feelings and the two got together. Through much discussion the both of them had decided to write a song about Petra and what she missed out on named 'Sk8er Boi'.

Today was the day of their performance and Eren was nervous as he was singing in front Petra and everyone.

Levi was pretty nonchalant about it but was stoked to see the look on Petra's face.

As the rest of the band members motioned for them to follow, Levi grabbed Eren's hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

As Eren grabbed the mic preparing to sing, he saw Petra cross her arms, unimpressed.

He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk, she did ballet
What more can I say?

Eren smirked, continuing sing, looking at a certain redhead.

He wanted her, she'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends stuck up their nose
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a Skater Boy, she said see ya later boy, he wasn't good enough for her, she had a pretty face but her head was up in space, she needed to come back down to earth.

Petra gasped as she realized the song was about her and in anger, stormed through the crowd trying to get through to Eren and Levi.

Five years from now, she sits at home, feeding the baby she's all alone. She turns on TV and guess who she sees? Skater boy rocking up MTV. She calls up her friends, they already know and they've all got tickets to see his show, she tags along, stands in the crowd looks up the man that she turned down.

Eren and Levi got closer together, implying to Petra that Levi was already over her. You could feel the anger radiating from her as she glared at Eren.

Sorry girl but you missed out,
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
He is more than meets the eye I see the soul that is inside.

Petra had to be held back by fans of the band as Eren and Levi locked gazes, not locking at the audience.

He's just a boy and I'm just a gay
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love haven't you heard?
How we rock each other's world?

Levi cracked a small smile at the brunette as he sang those lyrics. Eren smiled back continuing the chorus as screaming fans rocked to the beat.
Petra stormed off, scoffing.

As the song ended, Eren and Levi kissed, putting the icing on the cake as many girls screamed and a couple of guys wolf whistled.

"Good job brat,"

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