Chapter One - Nightmare

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Mackenna's POV

"Mackenna?" Adrian bent over me, a concerned and frightened look on his face. My best friend, he lives with me. I woke, groggy and disoriented, on my bathroom floor, the rug splattered with blood and a sharp pain in my head. "Mackenna, what happened?" he asked me demandingly. I look at him with an annoyed expression and put my hand to my forehead. I frowned and muttered "Shit." Under my breath, slowly trying to stand up. Adrian grabbed my arm and gently pulled me up and into his arms. I hugged him tightly and breathed in his musky scent. "What happened?" he  whispered softly into my hair. My stomach flip-flopped and I tried to remember what had happened. "I was at the window in the living room and was watching the rain....then i went to my closet and put this dress on....came to the bathroom and was getting my red lipstick.." I trailed off, quietly backtracking the mornings events aloud. I looked around cautiously, as if I'd expected something to jump out at me, and saw the red tube of lipstick which had rolled across the bathroom floor when I had fallen, I must have dropped it. I looked up at Adrian, who was staring at me expectantly, eyebrows raised in curiosity and concern. I gazed into his bright emerald eyes before concentrating on my thoughts. "I had reached down into the drawer to get my red lipstick and had gotten the feeling of being watched. Then I heard a light thump and froze, looking up slowly. When I had looked into the mirror behind me, I only saw a tall dark misty silhouette and then had a searing pain in my head, causing me to faint, I think?" I tried to process what had happened in the most logical way possible but so far none of it made any sense. I had gone to a party a week ago and having the sense of being watched then, I became uncomfortable and got my things and left. "Well?" I asked him expectantly, trying to understand what it would be like if he had been the one to pass out and go through this, which to me seemed like one long crazy dream so far. Adrian looked at me distractedly. I sighed and started picking up the things that had fallen along with me while Adrian sat along the edge of the tub and thought about it for a few more moments. I turned on the tap and felt the water run along my hands, refreshing and startlingly cold. Adrian stood and I saw him come up to me in the mirror, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. Suddenly his face and body started to change into that dark misty sillohuette, the one I had seen before. I screamed and all went black.


Adrian's POV

I sat on the side of her bed,watching  her fitfully.  "She must be having another one of her nightmares"  I thought. She thrashed around, kicking her legs wildly before settling back down, her eyelids moving frantically in her sleep. She swung an arm and almost smacked me, I managed to dodge her hand before it collided with my face. Then, for split second, I look out the window and as i turn back to look at her, her eyes were wide open but glossy, creepily staring at me. I assumed she was still asleep, despite the fact that her eyes were open because of the way she was looking at me. She twitched and started wailing, screaming such a startling, ear pierceing scream and i flinched. I grabbed her wrists to stop her arms from moving, as she would likely hurt herself. "Mackenna, Kenna sweetie, wake up!" I said gently but firmly, trying to wake her up without pissing her off. No such luck, she kept screaming with that high pitched, terrified scream of hers. I then noticed that her hands were so tightly clenched together that she had dug her nails right into her hands, making them bleed. The blood dripped down her hands and onto the sheets and she closed her eyes again, stopped screaming and started again, this time with a heart wrenching sob. With a pained, desperate expression on my face, I wiped the tears away from her face and set down her wrists, seeing the fresh scars healing.  "Adrian...." she moaned and her eyelids fluttered. I froze, then pressed a hand softly against her forehead, caressing her hair, hopefully comfortingly. She opened her eyes and clutched the sheets tightly. "Adrian?" she whimpered. I grimaced and looked at her. I hated to see her this way, the nightmares must be so terrifying. "Yes?" she winced as I pried her hands from the sheets clutched in her hands, gently flipping one over to show her what she had done to herself. "I'm sorry." she whispered and started to weep quietly. She sniffled and I fought the urge to grin at her, I knew this wasn't the time. She caught my attempt not to grin and smiled at me through her tears. "Whats so funny?" she giggled sniffling. Every time she sniffled I would grin and soon enough it had become a game. She would make a sniffling song and I'd laugh as she was so funny when she sniffled. Who knew two 17 year olds, a guy and a girl, best friends, could end up laughing at ones sniffling?  She slowly stepped out of bed and pulled her long hair into a messy bun. She was so beautiful. I watched as she turned towards me, a now serious expression carved into her pale, tired face. "I really am sorry." she said quietly before turning on her heel and towards the light wooden closet door. Her hand grasped the knob and pushed it open. "Kenna?" I caught her attention and stood up, walking over to her. I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in the scent of her strawberry shampoo and the sweet vanilla smell of her in general. She relaxed into me and I stroked her hair. 'Don't be sorry, it isn't your fault that you have the dreams and I need you to know that I'll always be here for you okay?" i whispered into her hair. She pulled back slightly and looked at me, a soft smile playing at her lips. "Thank you Adrian, I know you will. I still wish they would go away though,I don't know what it is that keeps bringing them back. They'll come for a month, be gone a day, sometimes even as long as a month and then come back again. I'm starting to wonder if this is all just some crazy sign, trying to tell me something? Trying to tell me to be careful, to watch my back?" She sighed frustratedly and pulled out of my arms. "Honestly Kenna, I don't know whats going on but whatever it is we'll figure it out OK? I promise" I told her, knowing that I would keep my word to her, no matter what happened.

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