Can't You Leave Me Alone?!

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Hey! Here's Chapter 3.


After the longest hug I've ever had, I went straight to my room and changed into regular clothes. After I changed I left to go to the bookstore. I needed new books and quickly. I went to the bookstore and started to look for the English books. They have very few English books but they are old classics that I already have so I asked the worker if they had any other English books and he said " A young man came in this morning and bought all of the new English print books."

I continued on to 3 different stores but they all said the same thing. So I went home and decided to read Wuthering Heights once again. When I got home I went straight to my room and looked around. There were stacks and stacks of books everywhere, there were even some books I haven't even heard of! I knew who sent them immediately. He can't take a hint can he! Honestly, he left me!! Why can't he see that I'm over him. It's been 20 years with no contact what-so-ever. At that moment, Jane walks through the door to my room and saw the mess of books. She then found the card Edward sent that I hadn't noticed before

"He just doesn't give up.", Jane said.

"What does the card say?" I asked.

She handed me the card and I looked at it. It said:

I know you still have feelings for me. Don't deny it! I will win you back even if it's the last thing I will do in my existence. Love, Edward.

I can't believe that he thinks I will just go running  back to him! Over time vampires have developed something close to imprinting and Edward is mine but that doesn't mean that I can't date. Jane mentioned that there was a new club in town that she wanted me to try. I know that Alec has had something for me ever since I first saw him.

"Hey Jane. Do you still want to try that new club?"  I asked.

"Yes!!! Can we go tonight?" Jane asked.

" Sure. Let's ask the guys. Maybe set up a double date?" she said suggestively.

Jane found a mate about a year ago. His name is Carter and he has the power to command people's minds to do what ever he wants you to do. " Yeah, have Carter tell Alec that I will go out with him to the club." I told her.  She ran out of the room squealing and promising to be back to do my make-up.

Just as she promised, Jane came back at exactly 8 o'clock to get me dressed and do my make-up. She sometimes reminds me of Alice. Jane had me finished by 9:15 and we just sat in my room talking and trying to organize my huge delivery of books until 10, when the boys came to pick us up.

Alec looked ecstatic that I decided to go with him. The boys opened the doors for Jane and me. They started the car and we were off to the club.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been out of town without wifi. If you could comment and tell me if you like this story.  ~Peighton

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