Do I forgive him?

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Hey! Sorry for the long wait I've been super busy. Happy belated 4th of July to all the Americans. I hope everyone enjoyed seeing the fireworks displays. I hope you like this chapter and I think we will find out who the "special' nomad is in this chapter. ~Peighton


I finished talking to Aro then I went to gather the coven and anyone else who wanted to learn to hunt animals. There was 9 people including me, the coven came and two other nomads. The nomads were a woman and a man. The man was the one who looked like Charlie and the woman was Alex. I still don't know why because I'm pretty sure I've never met him.

I took them to the area that I normally hunt in. The nomads did surprisingly well considering that the first time I hunted an animal I grimaced in disgust. I caught a few deer and a bunch of elk. Sadly there were no mountain lions, those are my favorite type of animal to catch. It's pretty ironic that I like mountain lions because Edward use to call me his lioness. I told the others to meet me back at the same spot we started so I'm waiting for everyone to meet up with me.

The coven was done first so they sat with me and we started talking. Tanya seems to hate me for some odd reason, even though I'd never met her before this. I became very good friends with Kate because she's spunky and hates that Tanya has an obsession with Edward. When I asked her why she had a problem with me Kate said "Tanya thinks that Edward is her mate but when she found out about you she went off like a bat out of hell. Then when he left you she was excited because he was available for her. He has said many times that he doesn't love her. Then she recognized you when we walked into the throne room. She's now back to the bat out of hell phase."

" Sorry that I'm the cause of your troubles." I said. By this point we were already walking back to the castle and while everyone was going at our normal speed, Kate and I were walking at human pace. It was nice to just talk to someone who knows what happened between Edward and me.

"I feel worse for you. Don't tell me that Edward hasn't tried to win you back." Kate said.

" How did you know that he saw me?" I asked.

" We saw the Cullens right after they got back from visiting here and Edward wasn't with them." Kate said.

" Oh. It's been nuts! First, he followed me to Forks and when I was visiting my dad's grave, he decided to make his presence known. Then as soon as I got back, I went book shopping and couldn't find anything but when I got back to my room all of the English books were in my bedroom because he bought them for me. There was even a note saying that he wouldn't give up on getting me back. He doesn't own me so why does he think I'll go running back to him?" I almost yelled.

Kate looked surprised," I didn't know that but he does love you. I know you've heard this before but he was much happier when he was with you."

"I know and I love him too, but he thinks that just because I saw him again I'll go running back to him. To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore. I miss him but he left me and he didn't want me."  I said. By that point,  we were back at the castle. So Kate gave me a hug and walked off to where her room was. I walked back to my room and continued to work on the last few books that didn't place before.

****************************************************The Next Day*****************************************

Today is the day that everyone is leaving. I've decided that I'm going to go with the Denalis to Alaska.They want to go to high school again for a while so I figured I'd go with them.  We are leaving in an hour so I'm saying goodbye to Jane and Alec. After we had said our goodbyes I finished packing and then said a final goodbye to Aro,Caius,and Marcus.

We took a plane to Alaska and I sat with Kate for the ride. Kate and I have become very close friends and she understands that I need space from the Cullens. Luckily, the Cullens are on an island in the Carribean. When we got to Alaska, Carmen and Kate immeadiately took me upstairs to show me the room I would be staying in.

It was huge with a balcony. It had a walk-in closet and a bathroom connected. They showed it to me then, dragged me to the store to get paint and furniture for the room. I got ice blue paint and white furniture with a zebra print couch and lamp shades. When we got home, I went to my room to set up while Kate and Carmen went to see their mates. I finished setting up my room I went out to find a mountain lion to eat. I finished my third lion and I went to my room to spend the night there. I then remembered that we start school tomorrow.


I hope you liked it! ~Peighton

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