Yes, Mommy.

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    When I was younger, I could've sworn I knew the devil. I thought he had one face, that's it, like the rest of us. He is notoriously known to break your mind, to have powerful demons, and horribly, steal your soul; the only thing that would keep you sane inside your mind and give you a conscience.

     My mother has told me until this day that the devil could be anywhere. But, this God guy, she said, would protect us of any harm from him, which is why I believed..

I know the Devil is real, so God must be, too. But, I'm doubtful. Why does the devil make more appearances on this Earth than God himself does? All the wars, and the crimes; where is he?

     I've always believed my mother.. She's never lied to me and I do not expect her to.  She told me I would never want to be like the devil, or be with him. Then, after we'd get finished our talk, she'd always ask "Do you understand, baby?" "Yes, mommy." I'd always reply. Then, I found out so many things as I got older and I've fought face to face with the one and only.

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