Why can't I just tell you(Ichigo love story)-Chapter 17

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Ichigos P.O.V

"I think your ready" Alex said as we both layed breathless on the ground, i laughed in respone.

"Well well it looks like you have 1 day to rest before we take off" I looked over at Shinji, '1 more day, 1 more day Kaya and i will save you' i thought smiling at the thought of seeing her again. My heart beat quickened, and i grew very anxious, i was finally going to tell her what she means to me.

"Well then i guess im going to sleep first, then eat." I said standing up, Alex nodded his head in agreement. I walked to the room that i was sharing with Alex and collasped on my bed, i instently fell asleep when i hit my pillow, exhausten taking over.

Kayas P.O.V

"I cant believe Grimmjow" I said as i walked over to the bed, I jumped on and it and layed down, 'Grimmjow can have the couch for tonight' i thought. This bed was comfortable, i didnt want to get up. As i slipped into sleep i thought about Ichigo, 'I cant believe you said those hurtful things Ichigo' i thought, turning over on the bed.

Grimmjows P.O.V

I stopped once i reached Tiers room, i knocked on the door until someone answered.

"Jesus Grimmjow do you know what time it is" Mila Rose said answering the door.

"Yeah i do, but i would like to speak with Tier about something" I said walking past her and into the room.

"What do you want with me Grimmjow" Tier said stepping out of her room.

"I need to talk to you about Kaya" I said, she just glared at me for what seemed like forever. "Are you just going to fucking stare or are you going to talk to me" I snapped.

"Very well Grimmjow come in" Tier said walking back into her room, motioning me to follow her, which i did. I closed the door behind me and sat across from her on a chair.

"Is it Ichigo that Kaya loves" I asked her wasting no time.

"Why do you care Grimmjow" She asked me as she glared.

"Because i do, i cant get the damn woman out of my head and the moment we met everything in me, even my panther told me to claim her as mine. I cant ignore that instint" I said, Tier said nothing, just contiuned to stare. I growled in frustration.

"To answer your question is yes Kaya loves Ichigo. But i honestly dont think you have to worry about them two getting together"

"What do you mean i dont she loves him thats an even better reason to kill him" I said coldly. Tier explained me to what Kaya had told her, about what he had said to her the day that she left. I thanked Tier for her time and left, going back to my room, 'So thats why she looked like she was crying that night' i thought as i opened my door. To my surprise Kaya wasnt on the couch she was sleeping in my bed. I smirked and got in bed next to her. I couldnt help but stare at her, she truely was beautiful, why the damn kid passed this up was beyond me. But i knew that i had an even greater reason to fight him, i couldnt and wouldnt let him have her. Without realizing it i began stroking her hair still staring down at her.

"Grimmjow what are you doing" Kaya said opening her eyes.

"Sorry you looked peaceful" I said blushing.

"Im to tired to fight, but if you try anything Grimmjow im going to kill you" Kaya said closing her eyes again, i couldnt help but smirk at her confidence.

"Kaya can i ask you something" She growled and reopened her eyes looking at me seriously. "Is it Ichigo the one you love" I asked, i promised Tier i wouldnt say anything about anything she told me.

"Yes, now can i go to sleep"

"Is he the reason you looked like you were broken and crying the night i came to get you" Her body tensed and she looked down.

"Why does it matter Grimmjow" She asked still not looking at me, i lifted her chin and forced her to look at me.

"Because Kaya he hurt you and he let you go. I just want you to know i wont be like him" I said, i kissed her forehead and layed down, pulling her into my chest, she layed her head on me and sighed.

"Grimmjow you know that i love him and want to be with him, yet here you are being stubborn about it" All i did was laugh. "Good night Grimmjow" Kaya said, falling back asleep.

"Night" I watched her as she feel asleep and quickly fell asleep as well, 'I wont stop trying and i wont stop fighting until you see that we should be together' i thought.

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