part 8

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you sit back stage listening to music, when everything on stage is finshed you dont hear it or them come in the room,not till niall is sat beside you he very slowly pulls out your head phones, he asked you if you want to go get dinner you agree. Paul says that he's buying which makes this even better,you and niall sit at the very back trying to make every second count because you know tomorrow your parents are finding out and are terrified of what they might say or do what if they say he Wont be loyal? you keep thinking in your head,but these thoughts are soon gone when liam notices fans running after the van,Paul plus over and allows you to escape before driving off fans still following the van, walk next to harry and he keeps asking you all these questions niall can see your finding it hard to answer some of them so comes over and says "c'mon styles give us some room!" harry winks at you and walks off, you say to niall

"I love you and only you" before heading home to leave him and the band when you get in maura comes over and says "now iv had a call from niall" you look sceared "don't worry! he's said that you need to catch a flight home with him to night at about 10:00"

you nodd slowly

"well do u want to go get your stuff as we need to go get the band and get to The airport!"

you go get your stuff all in your things in to your bag and head down stairs to meet maura in her car she comes out and dives off to meet the band at nandos you go in to get them,

irresistible-niall horan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now