mirror: streaks of evil

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As they continued thier greueling journey to defeat the cursed guardian,  M and emma had gained more intel from the lab, which revealed the precise location of the region in which the guardian occupies. As they traversed the rigorous pathway leading to the guardians which was known for the many that died trying to banish the curse, they soon found each other against a mock fragment, a creature known for its methods of deception. M and emma had heard about these beings from stories, yet they did not know how to defeat one. In an effort to buy time, M attempted his recently learned "flashfreeze" ability, which instantly stopped time but for only a short amount of time with each use. in the midst of the effect, a report from the lab was made known on the recently invented wristcomms. The lab said the most successful method to defeating a mock fragment was to either bend light into a hammer, which is effective yet impossible without a tool only known in legends, the other method which is easier, but not as effective, was to aim all attacks directly toward the wielder. the lab also clarified doing this will shatter each fragment, however, some fragments are more reinforced which requires higher and deadlier skills. for what they were facing, these 2 mocks were only  a base form,capable of shapeshifting, or in rare cases, turning into an armored fragment. M and emma were at a loss over the lack of reflecting sunlight as defense. The lab explained each form of a fragment also influences various levels of intelligence. It was also verified the cursed guardian was an ancient evil which attached itself onto a mirror fragment. hearing this, the two carried on, remaining determined to rid the unknown curse...

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