Chapter five.

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Author's note: this is to notify my readers that there would be an update tomorrow by God's grace, I still look forward to your votes and comments, thanks.

Christine turned restlessly in her bed. She moaned as she turned again to find a comfortable position to continue her sleep. She felt cold, so cold. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as it dawned on her that she was only unable to sleep because of the cold.

She turned towards her window, her curtains were fluttering wildly, as if a strong wind was trying to pull them off the wall.

Reluntantly, she climbed down the bed and walked to the window, she peeked up at the sky to see if there was a storm coming but the night sky was clear.

Then where was the strong wind coming from? She glanced back at the lamp table at her bed side and found out that the time was just 11:18pm. She was about pulling her window shut when she saw someone standing across the street on the pedestrian walk staring up at her.

Christine's breath caught in her throat as she realized it was the girl she had seen in the morning in school. Her gown was also fluttering like her curtains despite other things around her like the trees being abnormally still.

Christine took a step backward, finally realizing that the strange cold breeze was oozing from the girl, it felt like the cold one felt while swimming in a cold stream.

Who was the girl and what did she want? She craned her neck to see if she was still there but was surprised to find the spot deserted. She bent down, ducking under her window to scan the left and right sides of the street, but except for the street lights, there was nobody in sight.

Scared, she quickly yanked down her window, locking it. She turned to return to her bed when she almost screamed, falling hard on her arse. The strange girl was sitting at the other side of her bed, leaning on her arm behind her in a slight turn and staring at her.

She looked liquid and transparent. Her entire being felt like water was rippling through her. Christine sat there in shock, wide-eyed and scared while the girl watched her without a word.

Finally finding her voice, she stammered. "Who are you?"

The girl paused as if trying to remember her name then her voice came like trickling water. "Julie, Julie Barkley."

Christine moved back into the wall, her eyes never leaving Julie. "You are a ghost aren't you?"

"I prefer the word, apparition." She calmly stated.

Julie eyed her uncertainly for a moment then said. "I saw you today in school."

Julie gave a subtle nod.

"Are you here to kill me?"

Julie smiled, her features still rippling. "No, I'm not one of the bad ones. I don't kill people, in fact, I've come to help you to help me."

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