Chapter Seven

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They continued kissing, their kissing getting more heated by the minute. Brent slid his hands down her back and cupped her arse, grinding her against his erection.

He released a groan at the back of his throat as he bit into her shoulder, his erection straining against his jeans. She suddenly whined, tearing away from him.

"That hurts." She complained turning to glance at his faint teeth marks on her shoulder. "...and you are being rough."

He shot her a glare which he quickly masked. "I'm sorry baby but I can't seem to get enough of you." He flattered her, slipping his arm around her waist to draw her near again. "You turn me seriously on."

She bit back a smile, flushed. "Just be gentle on me please." She leaned into his chest. "Remember it's my first time."

He nodded hurriedly, interested in getting back to where they had left off. He took her chin gently and kissed her passionately. She melted into him kissing him back. He slowly pulled them to their knees on the blanket and gently planted kisses on the spot he had bit on her shoulder.

She exposed her neck to him, moaning, wanting more of his kisses. He slowly helped her take her blouse off over her head and caressed her bare skin.

He pushed up her flare skirt and cupped her arse cheeks giving them a squeeze, noting she was wearing a thong. She moaned and grabbed the back of his  neck deepening their kiss.

Holding her arse and squeezing with one hand, he slipped the other hand down her pubic feeling her privates. She was hot and very moist, he stroked her under her thong and she wriggled against him, spreading her legs apart to grant him better access.

"No." Dave answered. "I never asked."

Christine listened quietly. The party was still bustling behind them but she felt comfortable being with him. After how Pamela had insulted her the last time he had spoken to her, she had felt hurt and was determined to kill the crush she had for Dave but the more she saw him in school the more her resolve melted into nothing. Now, here he was, sitting with her.

Unexpectedly, she felt him taking some of her hair in his hand. "I admire your hair." He said, running his fingers up and down the length of it.

She cleared her throat not knowing what to do in a situation as this. "You mentioned something like that before."

"I like you, Christine." He suddenly blurted.

Christine turned her head sharply to stare at him in disbelieve. She felt like digging her index finger into her ear to clear it of any dirt and have him repeat those words again just to be certain she hadn't heard wrong but she went for the alternative. "What did you say?"

He let go of her hair, smiling, leaning his elbows on his knees and staring across the stream at nothing in particular. "I said I like you."

"I'm sure you meant to say you like my hair." She pointed to her head.

He gave a short laugh that was music to her ears. "I feel comfortable around you... More myself than the handsome jock others want me to be."

"Well...the feeling is mutual." She smiled.

"You aren't saucy or full of yourself like most of the girls I have known. It's easy to talk to you...and..." He raised a finger. "You don't kill the conversation by talking too much about yourself."

Christine chuckled. "It's not really that bad, you know."

He shrugged. "Maybe for others but...honestly, I like you..." He glanced at her with an uncertain expression as if scared to say what he wanted to say. "I liked you the very first day I saw you in the gym." He partially turned to face her, giving her an inquisitive look. "How come I never noticed you all these months? You should be a cheerleader you know."

She blushed at his several appraisals of her. He sounded genuine, in fact it was too good to be true that the boy she had crushed on for weeks was saying all these to her that no guy had ever said about her. It was almost too much to bear all at once.

"Cheerleaders come with special qualities." She stated.

"There you are right, which is why I must see to your being enrolled in it."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, slightly confused.

"You might fool other guys by hiding all those lush curves in unfitted clothes but you don't fool me one bit, I can see right through your disguise."

She hid a smile. "Nothing gets past you, does it?"

"Literally, no! Not when it is an object of my attraction." He said softly looking into her eyes.

After a moment, she backed down by breaking their gaze when his eyes wandered to her lips. "Enough flattering for the night, Dave."

He slowly turned to resume his position then said in a serious but calm tone. "I'm not flattering you. I meant every word."

He seemed a bit offended that she felt he was trying to adulate her, after giving a heavy sigh, he tried to get up and leave when she stopped him by placing a hand on his arm.

When his eyes trailed from her arm to her eyes, she replied softly. "I like you too, Dave."

He smiled, looking away. The night breeze swept through his jet black hair, casting a lock of it over his brow. Christine swallowed hard, unable to break their gaze this time, his eyes were focused on her lips which she absentmindedly wetted.

She didn't know they were leaning towards each other. She was too lost in imagining her first kiss with the hottest dude in school to realise she was actually gradually acting on it. The breeze caressed their skin and slowly pulled at their hair as they tuned out the music of the party to focus on the moment.

"Lookie who we have here!" The sudden voice startled them that they quickly had to tear away from each other before their lips met destroying the peaceful moment they had built.

They turned to see Pamela and Rose staring at them with folded arms. Why must the witches always show up when she was enjoying her moment with Dave?

"Hi...Pamela!" Dave awkwardly greeted.

Pamela drew close, ignoring Dave, her steel eyes focused on her object of hate. "The hermit finally leaves her shell." She said with undisguised loathing.

Brent sat down, pulling Kate to straddle his bulge, she was reluctant to engage his erection but he pulled her down on it anyway and began trying to unclasp her bra while kissing her neck.

They were sweating, despite the night cooling breeze. He tossed her bra away and quickly attacked a nipple. She threw her head back and moaned as he feasted repeatedly on both nipples.

The heat between her legs merged with the heat oozing out from his erection through his jeans and instinct made her pleasure herself by gently grinding on his bulge.

Before she could open her eyes, she felt him turn her over on her back and sucked harder on her nipples while she raked her fingers through his hair.

He began to undo his belt like he couldn't bear to keep his erection restrained anymore. Then he pushed his jeans down followed by his boxers. He just wanted to get it over with and leave to enjoy the party.

When he glanced up at her while gently kissing her cleavage and running his wet tongue under the swell of her breasts, he discovered her eyes were closed, while she kept up her incessant moaning arching her back to give him more of her breasts.

Using this opportunity, he stroked himself, oozing out precum, he rubbed the precum all over his cap for easier penetration.

Fucking virgins wasn't his thing but after deflowering Pamela two years ago in sophomore and after sleeping with several girls, he wanted to experience the feeling of something tighter than what he was used to.

He slowly positioned himself and watched Kate's eyes fly open when his cap pressed against her tight entrance.

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