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Me and Hope got ahold of the 3D Maneuver Gear. We decided to get out of human territory and onto Titan territory. We enjoyed killing titans. I killed most of the titans. Hope just hung out in a tree. I would hook up to a tree or a titan, fly up and disconnect from the object, then spin 360 degrees in the air with the swords out and ready. I then slice through the Titan easily. Hope likes watching me since I got so fast. We went home and slept in bed.

I woke up and saw that Hope isn't sleeping on the couch. I looked around the house for her. I didn't find her. I went out with the gear and went into Titan territory even though it's raining. I saw something on the ground and blood, so I dropped to the ground. My heart stopped and I struggled to breathe. Hope's head is missing her body... The blood is everywhere. A Titan covered in blood is staring at me.


It's time to play Die Motherfucker Die by Dope now XD

" You motherfucker! You took you last and only thing I have! I lost everyone I loved! I'll take your damned life for taking everything from me! " I screamed. I feel sorrowful, but I also feel rage. I hooked onto the Titan. Tears began to leak down my face like a river. The Titan screamed since I hooked onto it's eye. I screamed as I spun towards him and cut his face and body randomly. First, it's face, then arms, finally it's legs. Finally I flew up into the air and spun faster than I ever did before. I cut the nape of it's neck and killed it. The Titan fell and I landed on it. I fell to my knees and cried.

The rain mixed with Hope's and that Titan's blood smelled horrible. I'm drowning in my sorrow, but I'm swimming with rage. But then, the emotions disappeared. Other people have these problems. Their loved ones die and get eaten. I must fix that so no one else will feel what I'm feeling. I can't feel happiness. Only sorrow and anger. Yet I feel empty and emotionless.

I stumbled back home. I don't feel like using the gear. Once I was inside the walls again, I heard a man yell, " You! How did you get the 3D Maneuver Gear!? ". I looked at him. It's that half Titan half human guy! Crap. I used the gear and flew off. About five others flew off to follow me. I quickly turned around and hooked one on my one line onto the blond haired guy's leg. He screamed as I made him bump into everyone else and made them fall. " How is she so fast?! " one of them asked in surprise.

I finally made it back home. I ignored my feeling of hunger and went to bed. Hopefully this is all just a dream.

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