12. Surprise, Surprise

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The whispers started a few minutes past 7:20, when one of the double doors fly open. Emma and I watch the expressions of various hormonal teenagers take in the newcomer. Emma cranes her neck to see what all the whisper is for. I don't mean to notice it, but I do. There's a purplish blue mark just below her collar, something in me stirs. A violent stir. I turn away from her, trying to slow down my breathing. I try to remember where I am, why I am here. All the five W's. At the moment we're sitting at Emma's older brothers' usual lunch table because Emma didn't finish her English paper. So she decided to bother her brother who sits in the cafeteria every morning to finish his homework. Which is in the middle of everything.

Awkwardly so.

William Ryan Carter, the polar opposite of his older sister. Strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes, soft features, witty and wise. Square framed glasses. Doesn't play any sports; honestly, how's this guy popular again? I watch Will take in the public disturbance with a highly annoyed sigh. He sees that I share his distaste and nudges me with his elbow, "These girls, man. Flocking around like geese." I smile. He smiles. It's a goofy smile, the kind you would see on a five year old after watching his older sister get in copious amounts of trouble. Trouble he caused. He leans into me, the smell of pine overwhelms my senses. "Say, what's up with Emma 'nd you? You guys don't hang around much anymore."

The smile vanishes from my face. I feel it, I feel the muscles in my face lax, I feel the speeding up of my heart. I drop my gaze as I rack my brain for excuses. Not finding a single one, this was always Emma's sort of thing. "I'll tell you later."

Will nods, finishes a chemical equation on a piece of paper then transfers the answer onto a another paper. He then starts the process over again, "How is Maxwell? Heard his mom got out, 'rents were talking about it throughout the weekend." He's eyeing me, I can feel it. "You'd think there wasn't a war going on with all they talk about that guys mom." I cringe under his stare, I've never been one for gossip, that's why I stay away from the cafeteria. It's buzzing with gossip. Buzzing with a vicious energy, much like vulchers.

I shake my head slowly in response tag teaming it with a shrug, stating without words that no, I haven't heard anything about Maxwell's mom. "Max is sick," I gnaw at the inside of my cheek and stuff the rest of my homework into my backpack, "that's all I know, he's been staying home a lot." That would make sense, he loves his mom, cried for like a week when they caught her doing whatever it was that she was doing. I should call him, make sure he's okay. Standing up abruptly, I wave goodbye to Will and Emma. Only Will waves back. Emma is too busy craning her neck to see the new guy.

I shake my head, I don't know why I am surprised at this behavior, this is how she's always been. Maybe I'm surprised because I know I have some type of feelings for her now, maybe. She glances back, only for a second, and catches my eye: Everything in me freezes, I feel like Cougar after the MIG encounter. Emma turns back around, a smirk playing at her lips. It takes serious effort to take my eyes off of the brunette, but when I do I notice that Will has followed my gaze. He nods in understanding, "see ya 'round, du Toit."

I back away, towards the lower level hallway, commonly known as the 'Science Hall', where my locker is. "See ya, Carter." Pushing through the ever rushing crowd, I finally step to the side and slip my key into the lock. I feel someone staring at me, not bothering to look up, I mumble, "you know, the memory would last longer if you take a picture."

"That would be kinda creepy." The voice is deep and soft, kind of like a winter fire. The type of fire that engulfs your house in the middle of the night. There is a hint of humor in the statement. The guy shifts his body off the lockers, "So, I heard you can help me out." Go away.

I furrow my eyebrows, "barely passing myself,-" barely passing with B's and A's "-try William Carter," jabbing my thumb behind me in the direction of the cafeteria, "center of the room." I shove my backpack into the locker and take out a simple black notebook for Lit&Comp. "Nose stuffed in a Chem book."

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