Chapter 1

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He looked at her like she was the midnight sky, her eyes holding those big beautiful stars, he loved looking into those endless stars. That was the first thing he noticed, when he first saw her, that one sticky summer day. The stars he learned like the back of his hand, that he had grown so much to love. But like everything else. he let those brightly twinkling stars, slowly fade out of his life.

I look up, white bony fingers snapping in my face. "Hello?" "John?!, you dozed off again, are you sure you aren't working yourself to hard? You are working the night shift and the morning to mid-day shift." The morning to mid-day part was true, but my night shift mainly consists of me sitting in my sorrows and drinking them away. "It's alright, I'm sorry I dozed off on you again Mary, I truly am, it's just been a long night, can I call you when I get home." "Of course John. Drive safe." "You too". I never called that night...

The next morning, I woke to my phone buzzing rapidly. 5 New Messages. 3 Missed Calls. I pick my head up, and slowly bring the bright screen to my squinting eyes. I unlock it, and first turn the brightness down. I tap my phone icon, and see who would even bother calling before 7 am on a Sunday. 2 Missed Calls from Work Cell. 1 Missed Call from Mary. I sigh, work I could deal with, but Mary.. last night was our second date, the first one went pretty good, so i told her we could go out again. But she won't stay out of my head, I will never get any sun, for I have seen and loved the stars, and I am damned to the night.

I exit to my home page and tap on my messages. 2 Messages from Work Cell. 2 Messages from Mary. 1 Message from Jason. I first tap on my works messages, "Sorry for such late notice, but is there any chance you can come in tonight.?" A few minutes later there had been another message sent, "When you get this, let us know and tell us when you can come in." I replied, I can come in when you need me just give me a time frame, I sent it and exited back to my messages, I tapped on Jason's. "Hey man, sorry it's so early but me and the old Highschool gang were just wondering if you wanted to get together today, like a little reuinion." I thought for a moment and decided not to respond, it was mean, yes but I should hear back from work first. I tapped on Mary's name, one was sent the previous night, and one was sent this morning. "Hey John, just wanted to let you know I'm home, and I hope you made it home, and I understand if you don't call, it was a late night, goodnight." I felt a pang of pity, that was sent last night, but the text she sent this morning... "Hey John, listen I'm sorry but I think we should just stop what were doing, whatever it is that we were trying. It's not you, it's me, I just don't think we could work, I'm sorry John but this has to be the end." I sat in silence for a moment, and then thought to myself, It's not you Mary, It's me, and it always will be.

I checked for any messages from work, there were none. I set my phone on my dark oak nightstand, and slowly stood up, still feeling a bit groggy from only getting up just a little while ago. I took baby steps as I walked across my creaking hard wood floor. As I made my way into the kitchen, I stopped by the window peering out into the empy lot, the sun shining bright that morning. I eventually made my way into the kitchen, and went over to the coffee pot, I turned it on, and grabbed a coffee mug from the cupboard. I set my mug on the counter, and decided I needed a shower. I trenched towards the bathroom so I could strip myself of morning stench. I slowly undressed my self, and stepped in the shower. I turned on the water, the water so cold, it felt like ice pellets hitting my face. My morning wakeup call. The water warms but by then I'm already washing the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair, and grabbing my body wash. I finish up, and turn the water off. I grab my towel and wrap it snuggly around my waist. I walk out of the small steam filled room, and back to the kitchen feeling way more refreshed. I grab my mug and fill it three quarters way with coffee, 2 teaspoons sugar, and 3 things of creamer. I stir it in all together, and smile as the cup warms my hand. I finish stirring and set my spoon gently in the sink. I head back towards my room, to see that my phone is buzzing, I pick up my pace, and race to grab it. Work Cell Calling. I accept and place the phone up to my ear, setting my coffee down, and trying to push some of my wet hair away from my phone. WC: "Hello?" J:" Hey, what's going on?" WC: "We have your time frame and figured it would be easier if we called you. We need you to come in sometime bewtween 6-8 tonight." J:" Alright I can do that." WC:" Alright than John, we will see you tonight, have a nice day." I hang up without a response. I open my messages and tap on Jason's, I think I'm just gonna have today to myself, so I send him a message, " Hey buddy, I got work later, and was kinda hoping just to rest today, but tell them I said hey." I hit send and exit, and set my phone back down. I head over to my closet and grab a pair of jeans, and a tee, I throw them on, grab my coffee and head to my living room. I chose a spot on my couch and slouch back, i pick up the remote and turn on the telly. I go to the news channel and just sit, coffee mug in my hand, and my head resting against the back of my couch. It's just the way I need it. A few seconds later I hear knock, I sigh, getting up to answer, my wet hair sticking to the back of my neck. I open the door, and memories come flooding in, destroying everything I had built up, tearing down everything in it's path. I stand with my mouth open, "Renae?" "Hello John, nice weather were having.. hmm?"


Author's Note

Hi guys! my name is Cassidy and this is my first attempt at a "romance" novel, so please of any suggestions let me know! I'm gonna try to update every day so stay with me until the story gets going.

Total Words: 1191

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