Chapter 2

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Previously- I open the door, and memories come flooding in, destroying everything I had built up, tearing down everything in it's path. I stand with my mouth open, "Renae?" "Hello John, nice weather were having.. hmm?"

I'm speechless, I have nothing to say, the girl that ripped out my heart, is now standing at my door asking if I'm enjoying the weather. Instead of responding, I fire back with another question, What are you doing here Renae? I try to sound strong, but my voice comes out breaking, and a bit desperate. "Just seeing how your doing John.. Can't I check up on you?" "No, Renae, you can't, not on the terms we left... you can't just pop by, and ask me how I'm enjoying the weather." Her eyes sparkled, something he had remembered them never stop doing a while back. But, now they had only sparkled for a second, and then the stars faded, into something John couldn't recognize. This wasn't the Renae he had fallen in love with, these weren't the stars that held his life once a while ago."But John, I missed you." And at that moment is when the final wall broke, I let everything back in, and there was no way that wall was being rebuilt any time soon. "I missed you too Renae, but that doesn't mean you can just show up." "Yes it does, I missed you, and I wanted to see you." That's the thing about Renae, she wants something she does anything to get it, nobody gets in the way. Renae then decided she was tired of standing at the door, and stepped inside, walking over to the couch and making herself comfortable. "Remember all of our fun times on this couch John? I do. And I miss it." " I remember them Renae..." I close the door and walk over to the couch, but I don't take a seat. "C'mon John, sit with me, I wanna talk." "I stand my ground, and I don't move. "C'mon Johhhnn", she says holding out my name. I moved closer towards the couch and sat on the oposite side of her. " Seriously Renae, why are you here..?" "I already told you John, I miss you." "I choose not to believe that." "And why not? You remember us... we were stuck at the hip, inseperable in every way possible. You remember that, don't you John?" I don't get the chance to respond before Renae is on my lap, placing her gentle hands on the side of my face."You know you miss this John." And I couldn't lie, I did.

She placed her soft, yet rough lips on mine, and I couldn't help but fall right into it, the trap she was laying. I placed my hand on the back of her head and grabbed her hair massaging lightly. It had been so long since I had tasted her lips, and I didn't want to stop, but I needed air. I pulled away, and then flipped us over, her laying on the couch with me on top of her. I go to kiss her but she pushes me away. "I knew you would remember." She gets out from underneath me and heads to my room, I follow in curiosity of what she is doing. She steps in, "Still looks the same, except, somethings missing..." I stand in silence waiting for her to continue. "I know, that picture of us, on our one year anniversary." I think to myself, and I remember the photo like it was taken yesterday. After she had left I couldn't stand looking at it, I had burned it, there was no other way to dispose of it, not after the way she left." You know John, if you didn't want the photo, you could have given it to me." " You had already left," "Well, do you still have it?" "No, Renae, it's gone." "Well you gotta have it somewhere." "Sure, if you want it that bad, you can dig around in my fireplace and find it's ashes." "You burned it?!?" I didn't know how to respond, it sounded like she was asking me, but them confirming with herself. So I stayed quite. "You burned our picture.. I'm shocked even you could do that." "I was upset, and it was just, a reminder of what we had, and how brutally it ended." "So you burned it?" "No, it's tucked in my pocket, yes I burned it." "Sorry, It's just hard to believe someone like you could do something like that."

It was hard for me to believe too, when i first threw it in, I felt a slight drop of regret, but that was soon washed away from the heat rising, warming me, and luring me to sleep. I was drinking, but I wasn't at the bar. It was something me and Renae had once stashed away in my cupboards, for no reason, but now it was in my hands, the bottle being emptied little by little. I was stumbling around and had found myself in my room, I was looking at us, in that photo, and all I could feel was rage. Hot, burning rage. I wanted to scream at you, but you weren't there. I had set my bottle down on my nightstand, and picked up the photo, I brought it close, but all I could feel was hate. The frame and glass of the picture were now smashed on the wall, but that wasn't good enough. I picked up the photo and ripped it in a bunch of little pieces, and threw it at the flame. It was destroyed, and I could sleep that night, but that wouldn't be the last I'd see of her, and I had knew it.

"Well, Renae, you've had your look around, what do you want?" "Let's spend a day together John." "I'm taking today for myself, I have work tonight." "I want to spend the day with you." "What would we be doing, Renae?" "I just wanna look around the city, it's been awhile since I had been here, so let's just travel." "Fine, but I'm driving." "I was thinking we could take a cab, so we could both enjoy the sights." "Fine."

I grab my black vans, and slip them on, Renae watching me intently. I grab my phone and keys, and head towards the door, with her following me close. I lock the door, and we walk out. The elevator ride down is riden in an awkward silence. But before we get off, she tries to initiate a conversation, but I shut her down. I perfer the silence. We exit, and call a cab. When we enter the cab, she leans towards the driver and whispers something in his ear, and we pull out. She sits back and looks out her window, like I already know where were going. I look at her, "Where are we going?" "You'll see..."


Hope you enjoyed chapter 2, I'm gonna try and update everyday!

Words: 1166


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