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"Liam? Honey, wake up" I gently shake my brother, trying to wake him. He stirs and turns toward me, opening one eye, then quickly shutting it when he sees me. "Oh, are you still sleeping? I guess I'll eat all of the breakfast" I emphasize on all, and he snaps open both his eyes.

"I'm up, I'm up" Liam sits up in his bed, rubbing his eyes with his small fragile hands. "I'm tired"

"I know sweetie, but you need to go down to the beach with me so we can catch some fish for lunch. Quickly , get dressed and meet me in the kitchen. We don't have much time today. You know that day we had last year?" He nods and puts on his small shirt, and small pants. "It's happening again today, and we need to get you bathed , and dressed up" he looks up with terror in his eyes. He knows the possibility that I might be Reaped, that I might have to leave him. He's only seven, and I can't stand to think of the thought of myself being Reaped. "I'm not going anywhere Liam" I wipe a tear that has fallen from his eye.

"Promise Coral?"

"I promise Liam. Now meet me in the kitchen when you are done brushing your teeth, okay?" I make my way to the kitchen, knowing all too well that I might not see him again. Last year Liam was terrified when I explained to him what might happen. He didn't leave my side for a week, even after the Reaping was done. He is scared of the Victors, he is scared of our Mayor, he is scared of President Snow. I can't think of one thing he isn't afraid of.

I remember the days when my parents would be home, and would wake us up with bright smiles on their faces. They would make us breakfast, and they would bring us out onto the beach every morning. Me and Liam would sit and watch them hunt for fish, and we would cheer when they caught one.

They died out at sea when Liam was only four. They were fishermen, and one day it stormed so hard that their boat tipped over and trapped them under. They drowned. Another fisherman found the boat the next morning, and he brought me the news. I was 14.

"Coral?" A little hand grabs mine, tugging on me to listen, to pay attention. "I'm hungry now" his blue eyes look up into mine, and I can't help but realize how much they are like my mothers. Without a word I cut up some bread I had bought the day before, and some fish that I had caught. I handed him the bigger pieces of everything, and I had the smaller. He needed to grow more then I did.

I watched him eat , and I watched how he would tear off a piece of bread and set it aside, then take a bite of bread, then picking up the bread that he tore off and ate it. It was his little habit, and I loved it.

Looking at the time, I saw that it was only an hour until the Reaping began. I rushed Liam into his room and picked out his best clothes. All I could find were a pair of white shorts, and a soft blue top. To make it look more formal, I tucked the shirt into his pants.

He watched me get ready, like he does almost everyday. I picked out a long turquoise dress that belonged to my mother, and I paired it with her white slippers. My mother wasn't tall, and we could always fit into eachother's clothes. My parents were ranking in a good amount of money, so my mom let me pick out whatever clothes I wanted from a nearby store. Sometimes I picked out things she would like so we could share. She never liked buying things for herself.

I left my hair down, and it cascaded down my back in ocean waves. I stared into the mirror , and noticed that I have become taller. My eyes have widened over the past few years, and I have become so skinny that my face has caved in a little at the sides. My blue eyes stare back at me and I feel nothing but emptiness. I am no longer a daughter, but a mother to my brother. I am a spitting image of her, and it hurts me sometimes. I have her body, her curves, her hair, and her attitude about life. She could never hurt a fly, and neither could I. That's why I'm so scared to be called. I wouldn't last a day in the Arena.

I smooth out Liam's hair, and take his small hand in mine and we walk in silence to the square. He occasionally looks up and me, and I smile at him before regaining my focus on what's ahead of me. My mind is racing, and I am sweating.

I hear loud laughter and I look up to see Annie Cresta sitting on her balcony. She is a victor , and rumor has it, she lost it when she came home. The only person she is calm around is Finnick, he has been at her side through thick and thin. He is sitting next to her now, we make eye contact and I bow my head quickly not wanting to be rude and stare.

Many parents are grasping their children to their sides, not wanting them to be Reaped. I can see distraught in their faces, and many are trying to hide it.

"Now you have to go over there okay?" I point to a group of younger boys and their families. I straighten out his shirt and tuck it in once more before I let him go. I see a peacekeeper prick his finger, and then let him in. I do the same, letting them prick my finger. This is not only a way for them to document about you, but to know how many people there are in District Four.

I take my place with other 17 year olds and wait for Alessandra Giselle to come to the stage. Before she does though, a video plays on the big screens ahead of us, telling us why they do the hunger games. President Snow doesn't want any rebellions starting within the Districts, so he sends 24 children to an arena , and only one can come out alive. I think it's just for his sick pleasure.

"Hello District Four! What an honor it is to be standing in front of all of you today!" Alessandra is dressed in a bright pink dress. Her hair is gold, and her nails are so long they remind me of worms. It almost makes me laugh every time I see someone from the Capital because they dress so funny. "Now before we draw names, I want to say , may the odds be ever in your favor. Now, girls first?" She walks over to a bowl filled almost to the top in girls names. I play with my hands nervously as she draws one and starts her way over to the microphone. The world stops when she unfolds the paper. She taps the microphone twice and clears her throat. "Coral Adays"

My heart drops when my name is called. I know Liam will never forgive me.

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