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Pikachu POV
I weakly walked over to Mew and Mewtwo's room like they asked. Once I reached the door, I knocked three times then backed away. The door slowly creaked open as darkness was before me. I took a few steps as lights began to come on down the lane of darkness. Once all the lights came on, I slowly walked across the quartz floor. I stopped in front of Mew and Mewtwo hovering above me. You asked for me? I asked, looking at the area around me. "Yes." Mew said, flying up to me. "We need to talk to you." Confusion overcame me. Are they telling me what they been hiding from me? I thought. Do I finally get to know? "You want to leave, is that correct?" Mewtwo asked. I nodded. "Well." He started to say. I hoped that I could go back to the real world and be with Ash once again. "You can't." My hopes instantly faded. Why not? I snarled. Why can I not go back? Why? I was furious now, so furious. A sudden boom filled the air as smoke filled it just as much. I looked behind me from where the smoke came from, and I saw Deoxys. He wrapped his long, tentacle-like arms around me. "Darkri can't even obey a simple task!" He shouted. "He makes me do everything myself!" I struggled to escape, but I started to become very weak. He shot out a blue beam of energy and it created a portal. He wrapped his tentacles harder around me as we walked through the portal. Once we reached the other side, the portal went away. He loosened his grip as we flew to a strange bed. He set me down in the bed, and a glass cover with holes came over the bed. I gasped as I banged hard on the glass. Why are you doing this to me? I shouted. What did I ever do? Deoxys sighed. "You really don't know do you?" He asked. I shook my head. He let out another sigh. "I can't believe you don't know the one thing about you that makes you different." He took another deep breath. "Your not just a Pikachu, your a legendary Pikachu." He flew high above me. "Your a legendary Pokèmon."

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I just HAD to leave a little cliffhanger here! Oooooo, lovely! I hope it's interesting for ya'll! Bye! ;3

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