Satan's Den

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The strobe lights flashed through the club, as the bass shook the windows and the people jumped around below, as Nicholas waited for his brother in all but blood. They were having shipment problems, he mused, and he had found the source of the problem. Antonio was to take care of the problem, and meet him here at 11. It was 10:59. Nicholas counted down under his breath.”3,2,1. Right on cue of course, a man slid past the bodyguard, who gave him a knowing nod and pointed to me, before bowing to the man. The man patted the bouncer on the shoulder in appreciation, before gliding towards the staircase, winking at the bartender, who poured his drink from memory and sent it up towards Nicholas. He wore a black silk shirt unbuttoned to the top of his abs, the sleeves rolled up, along with a pair of dark blue jeans. The man stepped up the stairs quickly, grabbing his drink from the bartender's assistant, thanking him as Rick. He walked straight up to Nicholas, giving him a hug, smiling.

“Nicholas, my brother. Sorry about the close call, but my job got messy, and I was wearing blue. I like to come home to my club clean, without a mess to clean up. I see you've watched over my place in my absence. I knew I could trust you.” Antonio smiled at him.

Nicholas grinned at him “You’ve got cleanup tonight, three weeks of it and I’m tired of it. On different conversation topics, did you solve our problem?” Antonio pulled out a tape, handing it to Nicholas, smiling. “Wanna watch?” Nicholas shuddered.

“The devil wouldn't wanna watch that bro.” Antonio smiled, snapping his fingers, horns appearing on his head. Nicholas shook his head. He couldn't believe it, even after all these years. His best friend since high school was a demon. Not just A demon, THE demon. Lord Satan. He smiled lightly. “On second thought, maybe I need a better choice of words.” Antonio laughed heartily, turning and stepping down the steps to the dance floor. On cue, Renegade by Jay-Z came on The system. The bass thumped harder, and Nicholas laughed, turning to the office behind him.

Antonio stepped boldly through the crowd, drawing stares from women everywhere. Antonio smiled, taking the hand of the most beautiful girl, taking her from her man, and heading towards the bar. He felt the hand on his shoulder, and whispered to the girl. “Go order a drink and wait there. Ill be there shortly.” The girl giggled as he bit her ear, running off to the bar. Antonio turned with a smile on his face. He was new here, obviously. Antonio was the owner of Satan's Den, and here, he made it no secret that he really was Satan. The man was huge, but not because of fat. He was muscled, really well, but stood below Antonio's 6'3 stature. Antonio smiled at the man, laughing. “My friend, if I ruin my shirt putting you in your place, I will sacrifice your life.”

“That's my girl dude! Hands off!” He was obviously stupid or slow. Antonio sighed. Another body. The people around them had made a circle, knowing him well. His club had a lot of regulars, and he knew them all by name. Most even did odd jobs for him. They knew that he had the tendency to get violent, then return to his normal self. The bodyguard stepped through the crowd. “Monsieur Antonio, do you want me to-”

“Nonsense John. I can handle this imbecile. Just go make sure the cops don't arrive.” John bowed then sent Rick for a drink. “You know Antonio gets parched from having fun. Pour him some white wine.” He ran off smiling. Antonio turned to the man who was looking around confused, wondering what was happening. Antonio smiled at him, snapping his fingers, his eyes glowed red, his horns showing. The man's face was shocked, until he passed out. Antonio couldn't help it; he laughed.

“John! Take this man downstairs! Put him on the chair!” Antonio took the drink from Rick, grabbing another girl. She was blonde, with blue eyes, large breasts, and a nice ass. He kissed her, dragging her with him, to the girl he sent to the bar. He smiled at her, looking down. She wore skinny jeans and a low cit shirt, showing her hot cleavage.” Ix, why did you bring him? You know I get what I want. You should have told him.” He whispered in the other girl's ear, and watched as she went over and dropped to her knees, kissing up her thighs. Ix moaned, trying to answer. He smiled, walking away, leaving them as they were. Maybe tomorrow. Antonio wandered through the crowd, greeting his regulars by name, and making sure he was known by all. Like his show earlier hadn't given away that little fact. He saw a booth full of beautiful women, and took a seat by them, smiling grandly, making them blush. He made his voice smooth and silky. “Good evening ladies.” he winked at them smiling. One actually squeaked.

“Perfect now, Antonio. He heard the voice behind him and smiled, his face lighting up. He'd know that voice anywhere. He jumped up, turning and smiling, kissing the girl with a pure french kiss, biting her lip softly. She pulled him off of her by his hair, gasping. “Antonio, cant this wait?” Antonio said nothing, pulling her into his lap, still smiling. He whispered naughty things into the ear of that particular female, while another at the table took initiative and kneeled, pulling down the girls pants, sliding her tongue up her thigh, disappearing under the table. He felt the girl stiffen in his lap, making him chuckle. She began to pant, as another girl pulled off her shirt, revealing her large breasts, encased in a bra. Down to her bra, she lost it, and Antonio felt the girl shudder. In his arms. The girl beneath the table reappeared, a smug look on her face.

The girl in his lap turned her head towards his ear and whispered....”Antonio...lets go...” He smiled, whispering in her ear. She gave a throaty laugh, as Antonio grabbed her pants, carrying her up the stairs, to his room he had set up. He laid her on the bed, running to his bathroom and running a bath. His bathroom was rather spectacular, if he had the right to judge. The counters were black marble, with gold flakes in it. His bathtub was a 3 person jacuzzi, with a shower head that came from the ceiling.

He stepped out, closing the door as he stepped onto his shag carpet of the living room. The walls were a dark silver, the shag was midnight black. His curtains were black as the shag. His bed had silver sheets, with a black blanket on it. The closet door opened to a dresser, with the clothes hanging above it. There was a fire blazing in the fireplace. He insisted it be a real fireplace, because that reminded him of his home in Colorado. He shook his head, smiling to himself as he crawled into bed beside his goddess.

He loved to play around, as did she, but they knew each other would always be there. They made no vows, never told the other that they loved them, no spoken vows. It was an unspoken agreement. They understood each other in and out, up and down. Everyone but Nicholas thought that they were friends with benefits. Antonio smiled, turning to her. “Isabell, I’ve run you a bath. I know you've helped Nicholas all night, and want to relax.” She turned to him smiling, kissing him softly.

Her long straight brown hair was draped over her shoulder, as her shining brown eyes sunk into my soul, reading but not judging. She had a small nose, but a smile tugged at her lips, making him smile and kiss her hand. She finally laughed, a clear peal of vocal power that was music to his ears. “You are a sweet man, Antonio.” She laughed again, rolling out of bed and striding towards the bath. Antonio watched her ass sway as she stepped quickly, unsnapping and dropping her bra before disappearing into the bathroom. Antonio smiled, standing and striding over to his closet, opening the door and started emptying his pockets. An i phone came out first, along with the keys to his Corvette. Next came a wallet and a separate fold of hundred dollar bills. He pulled off his belt, along with all the weapons he kept strapped on it. He unbuttoned the rest of his silk shirt, dropping it to the floor. Next came his pants, leaving his white boxers on. After stripping down, he opened the third drawer to the right on the dresser, pulling out his plaid pajama pants.

Since he'd showered before coming here, Antonio just pulled on his plaid pants, crawling under the covers. He closed his eyes, drifting towards his dreams of Isabel and Beth. He faintly felt Isabel crawl in next to him 10 minutes later, curling around him. He noticed her bare breasts up on his side, but he was more tired that horny, so he drifted back to sleep as Isabel began petting his hair softly like he loved.

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