Chapter Three- Jack

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Chapter Three- Jack

The woods flew by in a blur, as Jack raced towards the stream. He felt the wolf tight on his tail. He had to get Antonio. That demon was what the wolves relied on when in need. The villain turned good, in a bad way. He didn't settle down, but he didn't kill without reason, and he was extremely protective of Isabel.

Jack looked back, smiling to himself. Isabel was the first one to speak with the wolves. She had been back in Austin's woods, when she had found Damon, in wolf form. But what threw Damon off is the fact that she knew what he was. While she worked on freeing the were, she told him all the legends that the pack were raised with, voicing her opinion on them like it was old news. Of course, Damon brought her to him.

Jack chuckled to himself; Damon had looked so scared when he walked in the pack house with her. He still remembered the strange yet pleasant scent that all wolves within a five state distance had come to recognize as the scent of Antonio. He had become quite the celebrity. Jake laughed internally. If they only knew what a softy he could really be.

In his mind flashed to last Christmas, when Isabel had been sick. The rogue demon didn't leave her side for a second. And then he had gotten her a car and a ring. Of course, they weren't married. Antonio was old fashioned, and wouldn't marry when he knew he would be sleeping with other women. Of course, it was ironic, coming from a demon. But we all knew they would never separate. Isabel and Beth were the lights in his day, and if anything ever happened, he would go insane.

Jack began to recognize trees flying past him, so he moved faster. So close to home, and yet... Jack stopped instantly. It had been Seven years since he had caught that scent... Rogue wolf...and a hunter. Jack began to move, just in time for Damon himself to catch up to him, running into the silver wolf. Jack growled at him, still pondering what to do. Damon began to whine, catching the same scents I had caught. Jack decided that Antonio had to know first, and started trotting again.

'What are we gonna do?' Damon sent the thought in my direction, but I sent him an image of Antonio, Isabel, and Nicholas. Damon thoughts took on a happier note. Jack chuckled across their link. Damon was happy to be able see Isabel, as he had made a bond with her in that trapped clearing. I shook my head, exiting the treeline, looking over the club in front of me. The lights were off, but I knew Nicholas never slept. The neon was in the shape of a demon with horns, and girls dancing on his horns. I still got a laugh out of that sign. Nicholas had to dare Antonio to actually put it up; he thought it sent a bad image.

I sprinted to the glass door, and used my paw to hit a switch at the bottom of the door. Antonio always left the wolves a way into the club they used for a pack house. The four storied building had three levels of pure basement, which connected to natural caves that went into the mountain. Antonio, Isabel, and Beth, never let anyone into the bottom floor of the basement. That was their 'hangout', and Jack knew that Antonio hid some secrets downstairs. He didn't question the demon.

He was a generous man to those with a good heart. He had the second level of his basement built however the wolves wanted. The second normal floor, too, was all theirs, but he made it clear they were to stay clean. All the wolves lived in Satan's Den, and all trusted Antonio with their lives. 'Hell even me,' Thought Jack, striding into the well lit club, shifting as he walked behind the bar, nosing open the wood door, going downstairs until he entered a room with only a seat. Jack heard Damon following him, still on his padded paws.

Damon padded past Jack, placing his paw on a brick with a mark on it. The brick slid in about an inch, before a whole section the brick was located in swung in. A hidden door. Jack stepped through the arched doorway, followed by an impatient Damon. Damon ran straight towards one of the many bunks on the wall, and grabbing some clothes from his footlocker, before hitting the corner to phase.

Jack strode towards the solitary bunk on the north wall. As the alpha, he had wanted a measure of privacy. Antonio had agreed, mentioning that not everything was pack business. Jack knelt, pulling a thinner footlocker from beneath his bed. He pressed a secret latch on the side, making a spring loaded drawer pop out, which held all his effects. Jack grabbed them, and then grabbed some clothes, before heading to the shower. He knew Isabel was with Nicholas, having sensed them in the house.

Isabel sat in the chair at the head of the table, as Antonio was still on the way home. She had called him, informing him that Jack was at the club, and that he had news. Isabel was talking with Nicholas, about possible security measures.

“I feel as if a cloud of trouble is headed our way. We need to close shop!” Isabel was infuriated. Nicholas wasn't feeling much nicer though.

“If we close shop, they'll know something's up. We need to act like we don't know they're here.” Nicholas said calmly, trying to stay in control of himself. He loved Isabel, but sometimes, she got on his nerves.

Isabel stood and shouted across the table, “What if someone gets hurt?! We can't risk the police getting involved!!!! Not to mention that some of those people have children!!” Isabel was screaming, throwing things, before her wrist was grabbed from behind. Shocked, Isabel turned quickly, before a sigh of relief escaped her lips. Antonio pulled her to him, letting her get her bearings. He placed her in his seat she had been occupying, before kissing her hand and taking the seat closest to her. Antonio looked over at Nicholas.

“We will close Satan's Den. As much as I love a fight, I know most of our customers. If one were to get hurt, I could never forgive myself. I will not wait on these hunters to come for me. Jack and Damon will track them, and I will destroy them before this gets out of hand.” Antonio had that tone of finalty in his powerful voice. Nicholas nodded towards him, as a knock sounded on the door. Nicholas stood, opening the door, admitting Damon and Jack, who shook Antonio's hand and kissed Isabel's, before taking their seats.

Isabel still sat at the head of the table, and she broke the silence first. “Let's get to work” She pushed a button, and a holograph of the surrounding area was projected onto the table. Antonio stood, pointing out various spots on the map.

“The hunters have been drawn to these places in the past. Of course, Jack tells me he picked up a scent of him through here.” He drew a finger through an area near the holographic club. “If the scents that Jack smelled tell the truth, then he travels with a rogue. He may not know yet, or the rogue may be hunting the hunter. Of course, we know that the rogue will be the main focus of the wolves. I will focus on the hunter. Jack, I want you to hunt them down, and see what relationship they have. We may be ambushing them.” Antonio looked tired, taking his seat and kicking his feet up on the table.

Jack nodded and stood, preparing to leave. “Wait Jack,” Antonio said, “It has been a while since we've all relaxed. Let's have a drink, and you can catch some sleep before you go tracking tonight.” Jack smiled, something he rarely did.

“Are you sure? I could get started now.” Antonio shook his head.

“You and your pack have kept my club and family safe. Just because you stay here means nothing. You deserve it.” Antonio smiled, standing and motioning for them to do the same, before helping Isabel out of her seat. He opened the door for them all, and followed them down the hallway. The group laughed and joked, heading down the stairs. Even Antonio joined in the fun, picking on Damon for having a thing for Isabel. Rick already had their drinks poured when they reached the bar, so he had plenty of time to pick on the wolves, which the wolves were quick to shoot right back. Antonio picked up his beer and took a drink, joining in on the group's conversation on Ix.

“But she's hot!” Damon exclaimed. “How is she single?” They all laughed at him, before Isabel finally calmed down enough to talk.

“Just because she's single doesn't mean she doesn't get asked. Why, I remember when Antonio and I first brought her here. We had our fun, and I was going to ask if she would stay with us, but when she left for the ladies room, Antonio explained her to me. She still plays with us, but she won't ever be exclusive.” Isabel patted Damon's shoulder, smiling. Antonio laughed at Damon's crestfallen expression, finishing his beer. It was going to be a good day.

Thought you guys might like a change in P.O.V. I appreciate everyone who reads my story, and if anyone comments or votes Id like that a lot. Peace and pineapple soda!-


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2011 ⏰

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