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Connor's POV

Troye sees me and then looks away with a cold look. I honestly would rather be beneath the chemically smelling water for the whole night than have to see Troye looking at me with his blue eyes.  Too bad I'm not a fish. 

I swim around a bit trying to not be so awkward, but as I got into the deeper water I realized something. I was a horrible swimmer. I was at the 25 feet (I know I am a bad swimmer and that isn't even deep, but that is pretty fucking deep for a pool.) I choked on the water around me. Thank God no one was there to make fun of me. This was another secret of mine. However it would be nice if someone could save me. Please.. Someone.. I shout from beneath the water "Help! Please!" I gag in the water and try not to open my eyes as it burns.

Troye's POV

I didn't think Connor was going to come. Now that he had a "girlfriend" he could be with. I have to help him no matter how terrible I think he is for causing all of this nonsense. I see him splash thinking that maybe it was just a joke, but then I see that he's actually drowning. I have to save him.

I swim to the 25 feet end of the pool and see a passed-out Connor. Why the fuck was there no lifeguard? I bring him to the edge of the pool and lift him up. I have to give mouth-mouth so I do.

Connor's POV

I awake on the ground to Troye staring at me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. He tries to smile, but his mind tells him to walk away.

Me: "Ah. Thank you so much. You saved my life."

Troye: "Yeah. You know I could have just let you die right here right now, but I didn't. I care about you. I care about everyone."

Me: "Um. I'm sorry for kissing someone when we weren't even dating? Is that what you're mad about? I know you were spying on us. I heard your phone."

Troye: "Whatever. Wow you guessed it right! A plus for you! Wow my only love kissed a girl? Of course I wouldn't be mad. It's okay I can just find someone else! It's not like I've been hiding my love for you ever since elementary school. I am sick of your shit. Goodbye."

I see Troye walk away into the car. I then call my mom to come pick me up and she does. Well that was enough for tonight.

Troye's POV

I am very proud of myself. Not only did I save someone's life, but I also let go. That was what I needed this whole time.

*Time lapse to the middle of the summer*

Troye's POV

Today my family and I have decided to go on a hike to the Blue Forest. A fun fact I learned was that the Blue Forest was near an old neighbourhood which used to be called the "Blue neighbourhood." Well I learn something new everyday.

My family and I were walking along the trail as I saw a bunch of daisies. So beautiful. I picked one and hurried with my family on a trail.

Then I came to a hult. I saw the tree. The tree where my lover and I fell in deep love. I couldn't cry right now in front of my parents. My parents walked around as I ran over to the tree and planted the daisy plant into the ground. Yes I pulled out the whole daisy plant, but not on purpose.

I then ran after my parents and forgot about the daisies and the tree for the rest of the day.

*Time lapse to the first day of highschool*

Connor's POV
Something wasn't right about this year. I was alone now. Bethany dumped me for a massive jock and I'm not going to fight for someone I'm not in love with. No thanks.

I see Troye. I guess the love story of us is over. We will probably forget about each other and move on with our lives. Find new lovers.

I see a new boy walk in. Apparently his name is Tyler Oakley and he is gay. Well I don't have any interest what so ever for him, but I guess it's worth a shot.

Me: Hi.
He doesn't even hear me and walks away following Troye to the class. I guess I better go follow them to class.

Troye's POV

Well the new kid is following me. He's nice, I guess. I have a feeling we might be friends. Friends only. I'm sure as hell not going through this shit again.

*Timelapse to the third month of the school year*

Troye's POV

I heard that Connor and Tyler are dating and have been secretly dating for awhile. I guess that Connor is happy and that is the best. My life in highschool has been boring from start to now even though it has been one year and a few months. Tyler left me for Connor. Wow.

Connor's POV

Life is great! Tyler and I have been dating. I think Troye is getting heated. I hope soon he finally comes up to me, kisses me on the mouth, and sets me free. I am known as the class clown in our class and everyone loves me. I even am on the swim team! Go me!

*Time lapse to the fourth month  of the year*

Troye's POV

Still heartbroken, single, depressed, and bored as it always has been. The only light in my life at the moment is that I thinking my singing career is really hitting off! Maybe I'll be famous someday.

Connor's POV

Tyler and I are in a fight at the moment. Well I'm sure we'll both end up being sorry and end up cuddling. It feels weird to think about cuddling with anyone else, but Troye. Weird. Troye's been on my mind lately.

*Timelapse to the fifth month*

Troye's POV

It seems like yesterday Connor and I were looking up above at the stars... If only.

I know I had a lot of time lapses, but now the time is going to be slowing down more! Thanks for supporting by reading and favoriting this fanfic. xoxo, Zoe.

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