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Sorry that this isn't an actual update, but I have news! It has been decided by doing a bunch of random shit such as asking my mom, asking my cat, asking the Rin and Len Kagamine plushies sitting in my bottom drawer, listening to the same Hatsune Miku song while I thought, using a couple Ouija boards, downloading that Hatsune Miku song to my laptop with software that I downloaded off of some website that I didn't bother to background check, stirring salt and water in a cooler with a wooden spoon, making a bunch of "your mom" jokes during lunch (ex: "What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?" "Your Mom"), placing a turkey in a cooler with salty water to thaw, having my friend (whose name shall not be disclosed as the internet is serious business) shove a love note in my crush's locker without disclosing that I had a crush on the owner of the locker where the note was shoved, snooping in a locker to figure out if the locker belonged to my crush, watching my principal get raw egg smashed on his head, and making a few virginity jokes with my friend (none of these events happened in this order... okay, maybe a few did).

I skipped in case you didn't want to read that speech. Go read the speech, I say a bunch of random shit in it. Did you read it? Told you so. Anyways, it has been decided that the extra janitor stories will be made into a separate fanfic, but fear not, it will be on the same account. I may just turn it into a fanfic of pranks that Kathryn pulled. I will also be starting a new fanfiction at some point based on a normal school girl trying to deal with her feelings for a boy that hates her, her best friends and father 1800 miles away (not by choice of either parent to become separated from the other. medical treatment for mother), getting bullied at school, and cutting. So realistic fiction. Okay, fine it isn't a fanfic. It's just realistic fiction. Whatever. Big deal. Well' I'm going to go start that realistic fiction and the pranks.

Minions, dismissed!



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