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(Warning: This chapter contains smut, and if you're not comfortable with it, feel free to skip the parts that provide it. You'll know when it happens lol)

The middle of June was approaching us, the hot days sneakily flying through our fingers unconsciously and without recognition

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The middle of June was approaching us, the hot days sneakily flying through our fingers unconsciously and without recognition. It's difficult to slow down time when you spend almost every minute of it with someone who makes your heart grow wings inside your chest, that person making every second worthwhile and exciting.

I know Niall and I promised to make this the best summer ever, but. I'm happy enough just to have him at my side, nothing more and nothing less.

Niall seems to think otherwise.

We'd been cradling each other on his sofa once again, indulging How I Met Your Mother on Netflix—a past-time we've been enjoying for most days—and Niall chooses then to announce his feelings.

He sighs first. "You know, I thought our summer would be more exciting than this." I avert my eyes from Barney Stinson to my boyfriend as he continues, "I'm not complaining, it's been pretty great since I'm with you, but all we've done is gone to one party and watch Netflix. Do you see the problem with that?"

I'd meant to answer no, but I guess his question was rhetorical as he further elaborates, not letting me put in my share of thoughts. "I have this... this sudden urge to do something exciting. Something big. You get me?"

I nod, pulling my legs off his lap and straightening my body forward in my seat. "Okay, so like, something spontaneous?"

"Yes!" He throws his hands to the air, widely smiling. "Spontaneous! That's the word! Something unplanned and erratic!"

I chuckle at his burst of excitement. "Alright cowboy, hold your horses. Do you have anything in mind? I'm not sure just how extravagant you're thinking."

"Mmm..." He hums, folding his lips. He seems to be mulling it over and I attempt myself at thinking of possible choices that we can do.

I say go to the beach and take a dip in the ocean water; however, it's something everyone does in the summer, making it too basic of an idea. Besides, Niall and I had already been there last year, only it was cold at the time and I wasn't his.

"I got it!" Niall jumps to his feet, startling me in the process. The bag of gummy worms that I was previously holding had fallen to the floor during his sudden upsurge. He notices and picks it up, putting it back in my hand as he laughs apologetically.

"Road trip." He exhales, standing confident and boast, his hands on his hips. "We are going on a road trip."

I widen my eyes. "Wait, are you serious?"

Niall leans towards me and plots his hands on my shoulders. "Yes, princess, I am completely serious. Whaddya think?"

"I think—yes!"

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