"Maya, shut up! " (4)

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Maya cringed at the thought of Lucas' face when she said those comments about their friendship. Maybe she went to far...

No, she told herself, he deserved it.

Then, the rest of the day she was miserable. She chewed her lettuce at lunch, mentally pointing out everything that went wrong with her plan to show the principal that the art program mattered too. Now, there was no art class. And, it was her fault.

"Uggh," she groaned out loud, dropping her head.

"You mind if I sit with you?" Farkle asked, standing tentatively behind Maya.

Maya turned around abruptly and shrieked. "Farkle!" She shot up from the empty table and wrapped her arms around him. Yes, this might seem weird. Aren't they already friends? Why is she so happy to see him? "Does Riley know your here? Have you told Lucas? Anyone? How long are you staying-"

"Calm yourself... I haven't told anyone. You're the first person to know. I came here for lunch, and I'm incredibly lonely, I miss this place so much." Farkle sighed. "And since when did you care about Riley?" he added, sitting down next to her.

"I keep tabs..." Maya mumbled.

"You miss her, don't you? No- don't even answer. I know you miss her. Maya, you need your best friend." Farkle nudged Maya's arm playfully.

"Of course I miss her! But it's not like she's gone, she's probably over in the cafeteria right now." Maya confessed, poking at her salad.

"This is torturous! And since when did you eat salad?" Farkle complained, grabbing Maya's arm and tugging her away from her food and table. "I thought I was lonely... And I've only been here for five minutes and you're sulking around without Riley! Where's Lucas?"

Maya pulled away from Farkle's grip and stood there. The smile dissipated from her face. "Probably throwing more precious art away."

"What do you mean?" Farkle asked, facing towards her completely.

"Forget about it."

"No, Maya, I want you-"

Speaking of Mr. Perfect... Maya thought.

"Farkle!" Lucas tapped Farkle on the shoulder and hugged him. Maya crossed her arms objectively. "How long has it been? A year? A year and a half?" Lucas questioned, smiling.

"Something like that." Farkle beamed.

"Perfect, perfect, now you can go back to the gym and do some bench-presses." Maya huffed.

"Maya..." Farkle mumbled.

"No, it's fine Farkle. I don't know what her deal is. She's been cranky since seventh grade, don't mind her." Lucas retorted, turning towards Maya.

Maya snorted and chuckled. "Why don't I just get some people to bully your friends, then you'll actually do something. Maybe bring Texas Lucas back-"

"Maya, shut up!" Lucas' voice boomed against walls and echoed across the campus. Her eyes widened in shock at the sound of his anger. Her cheeks turned red and she looked back and forth between Lucas and Farkle.

"Fine. I'll just go."


What will happen next?

What happened between Lucas and Maya? What about Riley?

Did you guys catch the Berkshire Mountaints reference I put in there? Let me know in the comments what you think it was and if you have no idea what I'm talking about...

Well, I wrote a book (my first book) and I put something in here that kind of was a line from Berkshire Mountains (that very first book).

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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