Catherine Blanchfield - Cold Coffee

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There is very little in this world
That is more disappointing than a cold cup of coffee.
Think of all the 'could-have-beens,' all the lost sighs of satisfaction at that very first sip
Of daybreak.
Think of the wasted kiss of a cup to your lips, when the sunrise has been extinguished by the blunt coldness of cup left too long forgotten
On the bedside table, or the piano, or the kitchen counter.

Maybe it is magic,
The way steam fogs up the senses, pervades each one with the intense sensation of a new beginning
And maybe this magic is doused by Alectrona in fury when we let her elixir run icy,
Instead of the liquid gold in which she intended it to be.

All I know is that when that first bitter sip of the coffee I take black as the night spilled over my tongue,
The only magic I gleaned
Was the swiftness in which the memory of your glacial voice came back to me
When you said you didn't love me anymore.

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