Chapter 1 why are you yelling

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I was sitting on my soft brown couch with my other brother Luke. All of the sudden I heard yelling, but I couldn't make out the words. My brother waited
a couple seconds to put his pale hands over my red ears. Shortly after that he released his hands. " Luke what was that what were they saying?" Luke answer me! He never did he just said "I don't know Faith. My mom finally came down the second set of old ragged  stairs. I looked at my mom ( red faced, tears running down her blood shot eyes.) I didn't know wether to hug her or avoid her, but I think I did the right thing I went and hugged her. Which made her cry more, but I didn't let my grip go of her waist. " what's a matter mommy" I said. " Nothing you will ever need to worry about my only daughter" she replied. At that time I was only seven years old, but know I am eleven and I know more. But those details will come later on in this book. I hope
You guys will enjoy this next chapter and have fun reading it.

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